Nomination for senior positions

Post Governmental Authority Published Deadline for submitting nomination files Decision
Director of Human Resources and Finance Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication pdf-icon.png
Director of Interior Trade and Distribution Ministry of Industry and Trade pdf-icon.png
Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development - Department of Energy Transition Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development pdf-icon.png
Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development – Department of Sustainable Development Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development pdf-icon.png
Director of Cooperation and Communication, Ministry of Justice Ministry of Justice pdf-icon.png
Director of Studies and Development of Communication Materials Ministry of Youth, Culture, and Communication - Communication Department pdf-icon.png
Director of the National Portal and Documentation Ministry of Youth, Culture, and Communication - Communication Department pdf-icon.png
Director of Administrative and Financial Affairs Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication - Culture Department pdf-icon.png
Director of Arts Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication - Culture Department pdf-icon.png
Director of Strategy and Statistics Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development, Water and Forests - Agriculture Department pdf-icon.png
