Results of the first year 2022

The government has published a book summarizing the results of its work during 2022, an initiative that aims to establish a government custom that reflects the values of transparency, participation, communication with public opinion and interaction with its various issues and concerns.
This book presents the most significant achievements during the first year of government work in order to make a qualitative leap on the path of national development, to consolidate the characteristics of the Kingdom's societal project, and to continue to consolidate the gains achieved thanks to the visionary vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI,  may God assist Him, despite the general context characterized by many challenges and constraints that have affected all countries of the world.
This book contains answers to citizens' questions because it includes government interventions and measures conducted by various public policies to reduce the effects of successive crises on the one hand, and to implement the government's commitments, in dedication to the foundations of the social state.

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