Results of the meetings of the Council of Government on the occasion of the two hundredth meeting since the inauguration of the Government

At the beginning of the meeting of the Council of Government, held on Thursday, April 8, 2021, the Secretary General of the Government underlined the central role played by the Council of Government with regard to the constitutional system established in our country in 2011, recalling that he had previously made a similar offer following the holding of the hundredth meeting of the Council of Government at the end of April 2019.
With regard to legislative and regulatory work, a total of nine hundred and forty (940) texts were approved by the Council of Government at its meetings: two hundred and sixty-three (263) draft laws, one hundred and forty (140) conventions and five hundred and thirty-seven (537) regulatory decrees.
During the presentation, the Secretary General of the Government also presented precise data on the areas in which these texts are included, specifying them in seven axes, in particular the axis related to the consolidation of the major social choices of the State in the implementation of the royal directives in this regard,  in its interaction with strengthening the immunity of the national economy, keeping pace with the private sector and improving the business climate.
 Regarding the state of health emergency, the presentation stressed that its only measure requires the government to enact thirteen (13) laws, five (5) decrees, thirty-eight (38) regulatory decrees, ten (10) decrees relating to the approval of loan agreements and loan guarantees and twenty-nine (29) decisions.
As for the international conventions, the total number of them was one hundred and forty (140) conventions, of which twenty-six (26) multilateral agreements and one hundred and fourteen (114) bilateral agreements. These figures reflect the dynamism and depth of the work carried out by Moroccan diplomacy under royal directives. 
With regard to appointments to positions of responsibility, the Secretary-General of the Government reported that the Governing Council had approved, during the last two hundred meetings, six hundred and ten (610) appointments of senior officials from various State administrations and certain public institutions.
In conclusion, the Secretary-General of the Government presented a set of conclusions and general conclusions on the work of the Governing Council, the most important of which is that the current mandate of the Government is one of the richest in terms of diversity and comprehensiveness of the legislative projects ordered by the King, which have affected all vital sectors without exception.
