The Head of Government receives His Royal Highness Prince Guillaume - Grand Duke and Crown Prince of Luxembourg


The Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, received, on Tuesday, October 11, 2022, in Rabat, His Royal Highness Prince Guillaume, Grand Duke and Crown Prince of Luxembourg, who is on a working visit to Morocco, heading a delegation of businessmen representing companies specialized in various economic fields, and meets during his visit to the Kingdom with several ministers and senior officials. 
The meeting, which was attended by Mr. Franz Fayot, Minister of Economy of Luxembourg, and Mr. Mohammed Amer, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, was an opportunity in which the two sides expressed their common desire to continue strengthening the partnership between the two countries, and their aspiration to further develop economic and trade relations, by encouraging Luxembourgish companies to explore new opportunities for investment in Morocco, both bilaterally and within the framework of the Morocco-Luxembourg-Africa tripartite cooperation.

The Head of Government also reviewed the economic projects launched by Morocco, under the High Patronage of His Majesty the King, May God Assist Him, which have strengthened the Kingdom's position as a platform with economic and industrial attractiveness in the region.
