Head of Government holds talks with Prime Minister of the Kingdom of the Netherlands


The Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch received, Wednesday (June 21st) in Rabat, Prime Minister of the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands  Mark Rutte, who is on a working visit to Morocco, accompanied by an important delegation of officials and businessmen, and held talks on ways to strengthen the friendship between the two countries and promote bilateral cooperation in various fields. 
During this meeting, the two sides noted the level of long-standing friendly relations between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which extend for more than 4 centuries and noted with satisfaction the dynamism it currently witnesses, which establishes a strategic partnership between the two countries. 
During their talks, the two sides recalled the contents of the Moroccan-Dutch Joint Declaration of May 2022, which constitutes a road map for the intensification and expansion of bilateral relations and consecrates the common desire to continue permanent political dialogue at various levels and to work through joint mechanisms to advance bilateral cooperation in the economic, social, and cultural fields. 
In this context, the Head of Government expressed Morocco's appreciation for the positive and constructive position of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on the issue of the territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Morocco, which supports the efforts of the UN Special Envoy, and considers that the autonomy proposal submitted by Morocco in 2007 constitutes a serious and credible contribution to the political process led by the United Nations in this regard. At the economic level, the two sides stressed the need to activate new axes of cooperation in areas of common interest, which would create a strategic framework for economic cooperation, promote investments, and promote trade exchanges. 
In this regard, the Head of Government reviewed the opportunities and incentives provided by the new investment charter, the Mohammed VI Investment Fund, as well as the national strategy for green hydrogen, which will be adopted in the future in implementation of the high directives of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God protect him. The two sides stressed the importance of organizing a business forum between economic actors in the two Kingdoms, in order to discuss investment opportunities in priority sectors, such as renewable energies, water resources management, agriculture, and mitigating the effects of climate change.  and other activities related to sustainable development. 

The two sides discussed the prospects of tripartite cooperation for the benefit of friendly countries in the African continent, to enable Dutch companies wishing to invest in the African continent to benefit from the Moroccan experience, given the Kingdom's distinguished position in the continent, and the important presence of the Moroccan public and private sectors in many African countries. The talks also dealt with a number of regional and international issues of common interest. 

It is worth mentioning that the Prime Minister of the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Head of Government chaired the closing session of the round table on green hydrogen, which was organized on the sidelines of this visit, where it dealt in particular with the prospects of green hydrogen and the economic and sustainable possibilities it offers, as well as consolidating the prestigious continental and international position of the Kingdom of Morocco in the field of renewable energies and environmentally friendly technologies.  On the sidelines of this meeting, a partnership agreement and a memorandum of understanding were signed.
