The government is launching the registration process to benefit from the Royal Direct Social Assistance Program through the electronic portal

In accordance with the Royal High Instructions aimed at implementing the Direct Social Assistance Program before the end of 2023, the government is opening registrations for this royal program starting today, December 2, through the electronic portal This portal allows individuals wishing to benefit from the direct social assistance program to submit their requests for direct social assistance and who meet the eligibility conditions after registering with the National Population Registry (NPR) and the Unified Social Registry (USR).
After the processing of the application, the household receives a response within a period not exceeding 30 days, with the assistance amount to be disbursed at the end of each month, provided that all conditions are met, and in accordance with Law No. 58.23 regarding the Direct Social Assistance Regime.
In this context, the disbursement of the first aids is scheduled to begin at the end of December 2023. It is noteworthy that the direct social assistance program for households will benefit social categories in need, as well as school-age children, children with disabilities, newborns, and families in precarious situations without school-aged children, especially those with elderly dependents.
Thus, this program will establish a social safety net, noting that the minimum aid amount for each family, regardless of its composition, is set at 500 dirhams and can reach over 1,000 dirhams monthly, taking into account the composition of each family, particularly the number of children.
For further information, please contact the following numbers: 0520196060 / 0520194070
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