Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, Head of Government, presented the government program to the two houses of parliament

The ten axes of presenting the government program
Successfully exit the crisis
Joint responsibility, government,, and parliament
Fortifying democratic choice and strengthening its mechanisms
Commitment to activating the contents of the new development model
Guiding principles and main axes of the government program
The ten commitments of the government during the period 2021 - 2026
First priority: Contribute to strengthening the pillars of the social state
Second priority: stimulating the national economy for the benefit of employment
Third priority: Establishing good governance in public administration
Conclusion - A close relationship of cooperation between the executive and legislative branches
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and his family and companions
1. Exit the crisis successfully
Mr. the President of the House of Representatives, Mr. the President of the House of Councillors, Ladies and Gentlemen Ministers, Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished Representatives and Councillors,
Today, Morocco, like all countries in the world, is still facing an unprecedented crisis. This crisis, which Moroccans are facing collectively, was a real moment of awareness in which our country, under the leadership of the High King, showed its resilience and adaptation, as His Majesty the King announced general mobilization to limit the effects of the crisis and put the health of Moroccans above all else, so all public authorities mobilized, and citizens engaged in unilateral measures to contain the epidemic and acquire herd immunity.
While it is true that the COVID-19 pandemic was not behind all the problems, its rapid transmission clearly revealed the economic and social shortcomings facing our country. The crisis exposed the magnitude of the informal economy, deficiencies in social sectors and weak social safety nets.
Being aware of the magnitude of the challenges, the Government is presenting to the attention of the Council a unified project for social and economic transformation, a project based on constitutional constants and high royal directives, based on the values of social cohesion, equal opportunities, effectiveness, and transparency.
This government program provides realistic and ambitious answers to get out of the crisis and to look forward to the future with determination and steadfastness, through a package of measures aimed at activating the outputs of the new development model and the measures included in the programs of the parties that form the majority in order to explicitly answer the priorities of citizens.
2. Joint responsibility, government, and parliament
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The success of our country in winning the bet of this democratic exercise calls us to embark on a new path, which is the responsibility of all of us, government, Representatives, Councillors, and elected officials, to succeed in achieving its objectives. The new composition, whether at the level of ministers, members of parliament in both chambers and other elected officials, largely reflects our common success in renewing political elites, a positive sign whose results will inevitably be seen on the ground.
I take this opportunity to extend to you my sincere congratulations on the confidence you have received from women and men and for the responsibility that the Moroccan people have placed on you to represent them in this esteemed institution.
I also extend my congratulations to the political parties, majority and opposition, and extend my sincere appreciation to them for their involvement in this new phase, hoping that together we will advance political action, in its positive and influential sense, to present the alternative that citizens yearn for and to rise together to challenges, in implementation of the visionary vision of His Majesty the King, may God assist him, which is based mainly on rapid and effective interaction with the aspirations of citizens.
I would like to address all of you today to stress the need for our collective efforts because our success as a Government is fully linked to your success in performing your legislative duties. Today, we are in dire need of accelerating the legislative time, and we are all aware of the magnitude of the expectations of citizens, the magnitude of the responsibility that falls on all of us, and the magnitude of the achievement that we are expected to achieve. If we manage together the legislative and democratic times, according to a constructive participatory approach, we will hopefully succeed in bringing about the change that citizens are waiting for.
I would also like to take this opportunity to address in particular the majority teams out of the responsibility entrusted to all of us in providing optimal conditions to ensure the integration and harmony of their various components and to make the thread regulating the work of the majority clear, in a circumstance that requires the creation of public life to restore citizens' confidence in political action, fortify the gains of the rule of law, stimulate the national economy and ensure equal opportunities for all citizens.
3. Fortifying democratic choice and strengthening its mechanisms
Honorable Presidents, Ladies and Gentlemen Ministers, Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished Representatives and Councillors,
Morocco has made important strides in the promotion of democracy and political reforms, and today our country enjoys political, historical, and cultural legitimacy, derived from the Moroccan monarchy with a long history, enduring patriotism, deep reformist spirit, and bold initiatives.
Our stable and secure country, thanks to God and the firm human rights and reform will of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God protect and support him, and the involvement of all living forces, is today reaping what it has sown during the last two decades, including balanced political initiatives and bold human rights measures, such as the 2011 Constitution, the courage to establish the Equity and Reconciliation Commission, the boldness of fundamental changes in the Family Code, the adoption of the new concept of power, the launch of advanced regionalization workshops, the opening of justice reform workshops, the launch of the National Initiative for Human Development and other major strategic projects which we will undertake within the government to invest and devote its positive impact on the lives of citizens, to promote the building of a state of rights, freedoms, social and territorial justice, capable of playing a strategic developmental role, in the midst of the regional and international transformations surrounding it.
The Government considers that democracy, the rule of law, human rights and freedoms are major horizontal issues common to a number of sectors, in which discussion requires a new spirit, harmony and effective convergence.
The workshops on reforming the justice system and the gains achieved have made our country a model in this field, especially since judicial reform was not limited to technical aspects only, but also has a strategic dimension aimed at building the rule of law, improving the business climate, fighting corruption, and making all citizens equal before the law and the judiciary.
Adhering to the constants of the inclusive nation, represented in the tolerant Islamic religion, multi-tributary national unity, constitutional monarchy, and democratic choice, and invoking the sanctity of the full sovereignty of our country, and aware of the constraints of external challenges, and based on the diplomatic accumulations achieved by our country under the sound diplomatic leadership of His Majesty the King, embodied in the seriousness and effectiveness of the autonomy proposal in the Moroccan Sahara and the American recognition of the sovereignty of our country over all its territory, and in light of the high pace of foreign diplomatic representation in our regions, The Sahrawi government, and the consolidation of the bright image of our country within the African continent and other UN forums, will continue to rally behind His Majesty the King, the guarantor of the country's estate, and will follow the right royal approach to the final closure of the Moroccan Sahara file, by unequivocally recognizing national sovereignty and by approving the political solution presented by Morocco, which has received a wide response from the international community.
In this regard, I would like to pay tribute, in the presence of the distinguished Houses of Parliament, on behalf of the Government, to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, Supreme Commander and Chief of General Staff of the Royal Armed Forces, for the high attention he attaches to the Royal Armed Forces and the Royal Gendarmerie, and to pay tribute to the high spirit of dedication and sacrifice that the men and women of these institutions have always demonstrated in the exercise of their noble duties.
The Government will endeavor to implement the High Royal Directives by harnessing all the possibilities and means to enable the Royal Armed Forces to carry out the tasks entrusted to them in the defense of the homeland and its territorial integrity, in maintaining security, stability and the safety of citizens, as well as in the tasks in which they participate within the framework of international peace and security operations.
The government will also make better use of the national consensus on territorial integrity, the strong signals of the large turnout in the southern provinces in the recent elections, the strong presence of the Kingdom of Morocco within the various forums and blocs, and the economic, social, and political forces of the world. The government is also committed to mobilizing behind His Majesty the King, may God assist him, to address external challenges, defend the supreme interests of the country, support parliamentary diplomacy, and strengthen the capabilities of parallel diplomacy, economic and cultural diplomacy. In support of our territorial cause and in strengthening the role played by our country at the continental and international levels.
We will work within the government to continue to support the development process in our southern provinces, fulfill all the commitments previously announced, and accelerate the implementation of the various development plans and programs planned, within the framework of our territorial and national unity, supported by our choices for advanced regionalization. This is the last workshop, which the government will expedite the completion of its establishment.
In this context, the government will work to consolidate the option of regionalization as a constitutional and democratic option and as a development alternative to the failure of centralized and centralized public policies to eliminate regional disparities in terms of investments and access to basic public services, thus reflecting on the equitable distribution of wealth among the regions. It will also work to transfer broad competencies from the state to the region, through the conclusion of contractual programs between the state and the regions according to a results-based approach, and in a way that ensures independence in the financial and administrative management of the region, and makes The latter is a real development pole, a lever for human development and social advancement, and an essential partner of the state.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
His Majesty the King, may God assist him, has pursued a policy of openness, cooperation, and friendship with a group of countries, international institutions, and strategic international partners, which has strengthened Morocco's position within the international community, made the Kingdom of Morocco's positions strong in various forums and enabled it to defend its just causes with pride and pride. Supporting the country's foreign policy in general, and in the field of South-South cooperation in particular, led and sponsored by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God protect him, is a pillar that this government will work to consolidate. Morocco, under the leadership of His Majesty the King, After returning to the arms of his family in the African Union, and his constant and principled insistence on adhering to his African roots, he seeks with all sincerity and credibility, to develop strong partnerships with his African depth in accordance with principles based on the directions of "common development".
On the other hand, the Government recalls the High Royal Directives on caring for Moroccans of the world as an integral part of Moroccan society and contributing to the development of their country from different angles. The Government intends to implement a number of programs and projects to improve their situation and defend their rights and interests, both in terms of cultural, educational, and social aspects, as well as with regard to legal support to simplify procedures and study and process complaints, as well as at the level of mobilizing and encouraging investments in competencies and supporting entrepreneurial dynamism and associations of Moroccans of the world.
The government will work hard to enhance the honorable image of the Kingdom, especially among international institutions, bodies, and organizations that ensure respect for freedoms and human rights, good governance, participatory democracy, transparency, the fight against corruption, and improve the Kingdom's ranking in various human and economic development indicators.
4. Commitment to activating the contents of the new development model
Honorable Presidents, Ladies and Gentlemen Ministers, Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished Representatives and Councillors,
His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, gave the real start to the construction of a new participatory development model, aimed at drawing up a plan for the transition to a prosperous Morocco, a Morocco of competencies, a Morocco of inclusion and solidarity, and a Morocco of sustainability and audacity. A plan framed by a national charter, which makes it a consensual moment for all development actors to engage in a new ambition for the country, and a common reference that guides and guides the work of all living forces of all stripes. We pledge to attach the necessary importance to the National Charter so that it can be a document guiding our work as a national commitment before His Majesty the King and before All Moroccans.
Within the government, we are committed to completing major strategic projects and the boldness of the new development model with high efficiency, and we will work to institutionalize mechanisms for tracking and evaluating the performance of public policies and reforms, as recommended by the development model, as well as accurately tracking the progress of projects, supporting their implementation, and overcoming potential obstacles.
5. Guiding principles and main axes of the government program
Honorable Presidents, Ladies and Gentlemen Ministers, Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished Representatives and Councillors,
The government program, which I have the honor to present today to your esteemed Council, in accordance with the provisions of article 88 of the Kingdom's Constitution, derives its spirit and philosophy from the High Royal Directives, intersects with the contents of the Kingdom's new development model, and builds on the measures committed to implement by the parties that form the government majority, which attracted the attention of citizens and voted for its contents with an absolute majority. It is a project stemming from the Kingdom's constants, historical richness, vitality of its culture, plurality of identity and diversity of capabilities, looking forward to the prospects for integrated and sustainable development..
This program was developed according to a participatory approach to answer urgent social expectations, to overcome the effects of the pandemic and to achieve an economic take-off that enhances Morocco's position continentally and internationally, after we were able to strengthen our democratic experience by organizing various electoral entitlements with great success, confirmed by national and international observers, and characterized by an exceptional turnout of citizens at the polls, confirming their desire to bring about change from within institutions and to continue the path of democratic construction in which our country is proceeding under the leadership of His Majesty the King, may God assist him.
In order to face the current challenges and successfully emerge from the current crisis, the government program that we are presenting to you today is based on five guiding principles:
Fortifying democratic choice and strengthening its mechanisms.
institutionalizing social justice.
Placing human capital at the heart of the operationalization of our country's development model.
Making the dignity of the citizen the basis of public policies.
Expanding the base of the middle class and enhancing its purchasing and savings power.
Based on the outputs of the New Development Model report and based on the proposals of the political parties that make up the government coalition, the government program is based on three strategic axes:
Strengthening the social pillars of the State.
Stimulate the national economy for the benefit of employment.
Establishing good governance in public administration.
At the same time, focusing on these priorities does not mean ignoring the rest of the sectors, but rather as an immediate response to the urgent expectations expressed by Moroccans, while all sectors will receive great attention, whether with regard to the completion of strategies and plans that have already been launched and proven effective, or with regard to areas that require further support and reform or even the development of alternative or complementary strategies, such as the sectors of equipment, water, minerals, energy, environment, housing, territorial planning, transport and communication services, and services. Finance and other areas of strategic importance.
6. The ten commitments of the government during the period 2021 - 2026
Ladies and Gentlemen,
During communal, regional, and legislative elections, the majority of voters chose to support political parties that presented ambitious and realistic programs, which include numbered and specific procedures. The popular will, through participation rates and the outputs of the ballot box, showed that restoring confidence in political action inevitably passes through the provision of credible social options and programs that address the real priorities of citizens.
Following the same methodology, the Government has identified ten major commitments to activate the principle of linking responsibility to accountability and to facilitate the tracking and evaluation of government outcomes, the most prominent of which are the following:
Create at least one million net jobs over the next five years.
Increase the percentage of women's activity to more than 30% instead of 20% currently.
Operationalization of universal social protection.
Protect and expand the middle class and provide the economic and social conditions for the emergence of a middle peasant class in the rural world.
Mobilizing the educational system - with all its components - with the aim of ranking Morocco among the top 60 countries in the world (instead of lagging behind in most relevant international indicators).
Activating the official character of Amazigh, especially through the creation of a special fund, with a budget of one billion dirhams by 2025.
The government will work to gradually improve the Kingdom's macroeconomic balances during its tenure.
7. First priority: Contribute to strengthening the pillars of the social state
Mr. the President of the House of Representatives, Mr. The President of the House of Councillors, Ladies and Gentlemen Ministers, Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished Representatives and Councillors,
The Government, which I have the honor to lead, and which is proud of the confidence and support of His Majesty the King and the enlightened directives of the King, is well aware that its primary mission is to strengthen the foundations of the social state and the valorization of Moroccan human capital and aspires to proceed with determination and steadfastness to preserve its dignity, enshrine its rights and provide conditions for its worry. The most prominent projects that the Government will focus on implementing in this context are workshops for the universalization of social protection, in accordance with the Royal Vision.
In July 2020, His Majesty King Mohammed VI launched in his throne speech a huge social project, which is a social revolution, represented in the universalization of social protection for the benefit of all Moroccans. This was followed by two speeches, in August and October of the same year, which stressed the priority of this royal ambition.
His Majesty the King also instructed the government to work on the gradual implementation of universal social protection between 2021 and 2026. In implementation of the High Royal Directives, especially those contained in His Majesty the King's speech last Friday on the occasion of the opening of this legislative mandate, the government is engaged in continuing and deepening social protection workshops as workshops under the patronage of His Majesty the King. The Government's social policy is based on four pillars that will ensure real equality of opportunity for all citizens and value the human capital of our country.
The universalization of social protection is the first pillar of strengthening the social pillars of the State, while the second pillar concerns the creation of a real system of social assistance targeting the most vulnerable families. In order to reduce social and economic disparities, the Government in particular, under the Royal Project for the Universalization of Social Protection, provides a stable minimum income to preserve the dignity of the elderly, compensation for needy families, and is committed to enacting a clear, integrated, and multidimensional public policy for persons with disabilities, while supporting associations already working on their integration..
In order to expand social assistance programs through direct financial transfers instead of scattered assistance, the government will expedite the production of the unified social register to achieve effective and less costly targeting of social assistance to beneficiaries. This measure will make it possible to rationalize existing social assistance programs by facilitating the identification of those in need.
These unprecedented social measures will be complemented by significant investments in strategic sectors of health and education. The universalization of social protection requires a real rehabilitation of the national health system, which is the third pillar of the social state to respond to the expectations of citizens in the health sector. In his recent speech, His Majesty the King stressed that the main challenge is the real rehabilitation of the health system, in accordance with the best standards, and the integration between the public and private sectors, a bet that the government is well aware of and will work hard and dedicated. to achieve it.
Since universal social protection will generate an increase in the demand for health care, the Government attaches particular importance to addressing many challenges in the health field, starting with the rehabilitation of the public hospital. To this end, the Government is committed to strengthening the public health service through the implementation of an ambitious plan to address urgent needs in the near term, while providing the means to develop the health supply in the long term.
To finance the comprehensive health sector reform plan, the Government is committed to strengthening the health sector budget during the government's mandate. The key elements of health system reform include increasing the number of health-care workers and reviewing their status according to their competencies and sacrifices in order to better cover the national territory and meet the needs of patients optimally, gradually popularizing family medicine, strengthening primary health centers and creating regional hospital networks. In addition, the introduction of a smart health card to reduce direct spending of patients on health services, and the review of Drug policy, granting incentives to health professionals to reduce the phenomenon of misdistribution of health professionals, and strengthening preventive policy are all measures that restore citizens' confidence in public hospitals.
The fourth pillar of the social state is the reform, upgrading and rehabilitation of public schools to be attractive and a nursery for future competencies. The success of the Quality School Challenge is based on renewed attention to public school actors and the promotion of educational ambition to progress towards real equal opportunities. Moroccan children's mastery of primary and secondary school acquisitions is a prerequisite for universities to play their role of knowledge transfer and deepening. Progress towards equal opportunities requires support for an ambitious early childhood policy and children's empowerment of knowledge. It is necessary to educate young people to adhere to Moroccan cultural values with all their Islamic, heritage, intellectual, cognitive, social, and artistic components, while ensuring that the younger generation is imbued with the values of openness and tolerance between religions and attention to cultural heritage in its various components.
In order to reform the educational system, the Government considers the rehabilitation of the teaching profession as a key entry point, by improving the quality of teachers' training and improving their working conditions. In order to enhance the competencies of teachers, the Government will work on a national plan to increase the training capacities of the teaching staff. The most important pillar of this plan is the creation of selective and renewable training for teachers, through the creation of the Faculty of Education for the training of teachers to be accessed on a selective basis, in parallel with strengthening the training capacities of the current structures, especially the regional centers for the professions of education. And training to enhance the quality of in-service training for teachers.
The rehabilitation of the teaching profession necessarily involves improving the income of the professor at the beginning of the path, keeping up with him throughout the course, and regularly evaluating his competencies. Within the framework of the national social dialogue, the Government is committed during the first year of its term to open a social dialogue, especially with the most representative trade union centers for education, in order to agree on measures and measures aimed at gradually increasing the minimum monthly net wage at the beginning of the vocational path for holders of a certificate of educational qualification from the Regional Centers for Education and Training.
The government will make investing in human capital a priority to enable the public and private sectors to access competencies that suit their needs, as improving university training will enable them to provide them with qualified human resources capable of meeting the requirements of a diversified and innovation-oriented economy. In order to enhance the attractiveness of higher education institutions in our country, the government will launch an investment plan aimed at greater openness of the university to its surroundings, renovation of university infrastructure and creation of a real University complexes culture.
In order to open up more to the world of entrepreneurship, the Government will stimulate the voluntary selection of scientific research fields in order to direct it towards the priorities of the national economy. It will also be keen to develop the pathways between the world of entrepreneurship and education through vocational and continuous training, in order to facilitate the integration of young people into the labor market and meet the needs of enterprises for competencies.
In the cultural field, the Government will give priority to the integration of our cultural heritage into the economic and social life of citizens, the achievement of broad development of cultural production, the exploitation of cultural pluralism in its various expressions and the provision of development conditions that allow our country to engage in the world of knowledge and communication. The government will work to take care of young people within the framework of a comprehensive and integrated program through the creation of the "Youth Passport" to facilitate integration, mobility, and cultural empowerment of this group. We will work to involve local authorities and economic partners in order to promote and diversify the offer of Services provided over time.
In the field of sports, and in view of the growing roles of sport, the Government is determined to give priority to the promotion of school and university sports at the territorial level, to give physical education and sports a prominent place in the study programs and to instill real dynamism in school sports at the territorial level by stimulating sports associations and encouraging them to carry out their activities within educational and vocational training institutions.
In partnership with the various stakeholders, work will also be done to strengthen Morocco's presence on the sports scene, regionally and internationally, and to encourage coordination and intensification of efforts to improve the achievements of Moroccan athletes at the regional and international levels in various individual and collective sporting events.
8. Second priority: stimulating the national economy for the benefit of employment
Mr. The President of the House of Representatives, Mr. The President of the House of Councillors, Ladies and Gentlemen Ministers, Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished Representatives and Councillors,
The pandemic constituted a strong external shock to the national economy, disrupting the daily reality of Moroccans and collapsing the activities of many businesses. The state did not hesitate to play its role and intervene to limit the fragmentation of the fabric of national production. The COVID-19 Management Fund, created by royal directives, enabled it to finance the measures taken by the Economic Vigilance Committee and significantly mitigate the effects of the health crisis on businesses and families.
On the other hand, while it is true that these measures have allowed to reduce the effects of the shock, the economic victims of the crisis are many, especially among young people and women, who are already excluded from the structured economy. More generally, employment and reducing unemployment remain major issues of concern to Moroccans.
The Government is facing this emergency by implementing a national policy of economic transformation governed by three basic principles:
To make employment the central focus of all public policies in the economic field.
Work to strengthen national sovereignty in strategic products and services.
Introducing Moroccan products nationally and internationally and protecting them from unfair competition.
This policy includes five main axes:
Immediate recovery of the national economy.
Develop a national and regional programme to support start-ups in promising sectors.
Activating structural reforms to support the national economy.
Implement ambitious sectoral policies at the national and regional levels.
Enact an effective policy to support women's economic activity.
In order to implement the five main axes of the structural transformation of our economy, the Government adopts specific measures, namely:
Develop and implement an urgent policy to support those excluded from the labor market.Rapid rescue of companies threatened with bankruptcy, through accompaniment and financing.
Stimulate private initiative by demonstrating organizational and administrative obstacles.
Creating a competitive shake, by keeping pace with and developing competitive and innovative entrepreneurship.
Defending the label "Made in Morocco" in order to support national production.
In response to the contents of the royal speech on the occasion of the opening of this legislative term, the government will also work to implement a comprehensive reform of public institutions and enterprises, keep pace with the path of tax reform, and strengthen it as soon as possible with a new and investment-stimulating charter.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
To provide immediate answers to those who remain unqualified and have suffered the impact of the crisis, the government will offer, starting in 2022, for a period of two years, a program of small and major public workshops within the framework of temporary contracts, at the level of territorial collectivities and in partnership with civil society associations and local cooperatives, without requiring qualifications. This program will create at least 250,000 direct jobs within two years.
Starting in 2022, the government will also offer a program to support individual initiatives in the form of accompaniment, guidance and training in order to structure the project in all its phases, from conception of the idea to its realization, and by granting honorary loans targeting types of projects that do not fall within the scope of the current funding granted to small and emerging enterprises. The government is also keen to give a new breath to the "Intilaaqah" program and ensure its sustainability, after the health crisis disrupted the first steps to launch it.
The Government is committed to implementing the Royal Program for the Revival of the National Economy through the Mohammed VI Investment Fund, as a lever for the diversification, improvement, and valorization of national production. This fund contributes to the financing of ambitious sectoral policies as well as the pillars of economic transformation, such as the development of carbon-neutral industry, the acceleration of digital transformation and the revival of the tourism sector.
In line with these horizontal measures, the Government will work to strengthen and modernize the basic sectors of the national economy. With regard to agriculture, the Government will work to implement the High Royal Directives, by continuing to activate the "Green Generation" strategy for the emergence of a broad agricultural middle class and to support a new generation of young agricultural entrepreneurs thanks to the mobilization of one million hectares of communal land for the realization of investment projects in the agricultural field.
The government will be keen to interact immediately with the royal directives aimed at establishing an integrated national system related to the strategic stock of basic materials, especially food, health and energy, and work to continuously update national needs, in order to enhance the country's strategic security.
With regard to industry, the Government will implement a plan aimed at developing a job-generating industry, decarbonized and capable of enhancing its global competitiveness. With regard to tourism and handicrafts, the Government will implement a recovery plan aimed at supporting operators, valuing Moroccan products, and promoting training, in coordination with the actors of these sectors, which have been severely affected by the health crisis. The Government will also stimulate other service sectors, including the housing sector, in order to revive the national economy and provide decent housing for citizens.
The government will make additional efforts to strengthen foreign trade, promote national exports as a lever for growth and development, and make the national economy and Moroccan enterprises competitive in this field, especially by targeting diverse markets and partners in order to preserve the sustainability of this sector.
With regard to public investment, important investment plans in the health and education sectors represent a strong strategic option for valuing human capital and building integrated and productive systems to strengthen our country's sovereignty, create jobs and increase national added value.
Enhancing the competitiveness of the national economy is the main objective of the economic transformation envisaged by the Government. Clarifying the legislative framework and improving the business climate, especially through the speedy production of the National Investment Charter, are the real foundations for ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of the government's economic transformation plan.
The measures that the government intends to introduce include setting clear and stable rules that guarantee equal opportunities for all economic actors, by overcoming administrative and regulatory barriers that hinder the healthy growth of the economy, in addition to consolidating the role of monitoring and regulatory bodies and strengthening their independence for greater competitiveness, especially in the strategic sectors of the state.
The Government is also committed to implementing a proactive policy to support women's economic activity, the key measure of which is to finance the program to develop the national offer of nurseries, stimulate the transfer of employees, and serve women who are active or wishing to engage in professional activity.
9. Third priority: Establishing good governance in public administration
Mr. The President of the House of Representatives, Mr. The President of the House of Councillors, Ladies and Gentlemen Ministers, Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished Representatives and Councillors,
The crisis, as proved by the September 8th maturity test, proved that Moroccans are ready to give their trust to an administrative system in which the state is at the forefront of the social equation. To this end, the Government will direct its efforts to strengthen the governance of public administration by establishing transparency of the administration and adopting a participatory approach so that citizens can contribute to the management of their affairs, while strengthening ways to combat bribery, nepotism and clientelism. The Government will also enact concrete measures to improve citizens' equal access to public services.
In order to enhance the impact of social measures, the Government is committed to strengthening surveillance, especially in the health and education sectors, for a rigorous and continuous evaluation of the results of social policies. In order to achieve the goal of building bonds of trust between the administration and citizens, we will work within the government on five main axes:
Activation of advanced regionalization and administrative decentralization;
Bringing the administrative apparatus closer and modernized, while strengthening the quality control of public services;
Reducing spatial disparities;
Accelerating digital transformation;
Fair and responsible management of water resources and acceleration of environmental transition.
The Government intends to renew the programme to reduce social and territorial disparities in order to continue coordinating the efforts of the various ministries, central institutions and territorial councils involved in the development of the rural world, in order to implement public development policies with governance, effectiveness and spontaneity in time and space.
In order to implement the High Royal Directives, and in order to continue the deep reform of the public sector, the Government will accelerate the creation of the National Agency for the Strategic Management of State Contributions and to monitor the efficiency of the performance of public institutions and enterprises. In response to the contents of the Royal Speech on the occasion of the opening of the current legislative term, the Government will seek to ensure the coherence, complementarity, and consistency of public policies, and to monitor their implementation. Reform workshops of the High Commission for Planning will also be opened as soon as possible to make it a mechanism to help strategically coordinate policies Development and to keep pace with the implementation of the development model.
10. Conclusion - A close relationship of cooperation between the executive and legislative branches
Mr. President of the House of Representatives, Mr. President of the House of Councillors, Ladies and Gentlemen, Honorable Representatives and Councillors,
These are therefore the broad outlines of the program that the government intends to implement, the details of which can be found in the "Government Program" document, in implementation of the High Directives set by His Majesty the King, may God assist Him, and to activate the contents of the new development model and in response to the aspirations of citizens.
Finally, I would like to emphasize the Government's determination to establish its relations with the legislative body in both chambers, in full respect of the principle of separation of powers, on the basis of dialogue, transparency and open and continuous coordination to overcome the various obstacles and difficulties that may face the implementation of its contents, while always upholding the interest of the country and citizens.
The Government is also determined to lay solid foundations for a relationship of respect, dialogue, acceptance of dissenting opinions and constructive criticism of the parliamentary opposition, while opening the way for it to learn about its constitutional roles by facilitating its access to data and files related to the implementation of public policies, in our belief that the advancement of democratic practice requires the presence of a majority that supports the Government and an opposition that assumes all its responsibilities with dedication and sincerity.
The crisis gives us a historic opportunity to lay the foundations of a more just and powerful State under the wise leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him. We have a collective ambition that this Government, which expresses a strong popular will, will live up to the expectations of His Majesty the King and the Moroccan people. We are fully aware that the path to success is a participatory approach, solidarity, effectiveness, boldness and selflessness in order to serve Moroccans and accelerate the pace of development to overcome the constraints of the stage and the repercussions of the pandemic.
Our awareness of the magnitude of the ambitions of this programme is matched only by our confidence that the will of His Majesty the King, the determination of the Government, the aspirations of citizens and the support of Parliament will inevitably make it a platform that causes a break at a crucial stage in order to achieve the desired change.
It is the program of hope, to get out of the crisis successfully. It is a code of honor that we conclude with citizens, through which we commit ourselves to mobilizing all the forces and energies of the country, including economic and social actors, to make what it promises to achieve.
May God help us all for the good of this nation under the wise leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Amir Al Mouminine, Protector of the Religion and the Nation, and His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, and his praise for his brother, His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Rachid and the rest of the honorable royal family. He is a responsive listener.
Peace, mercy and blessings of God Almighty.