The Head of Government, accompanied by three ministers, holds a meeting with Mr. Chakib El Alj, President of the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM) and members of the Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM)


The Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, held a meeting on Wednesday 02 February 2022, accompanied by Mrs. Nadia Fettah, Minister of Economy and Finance, Mr. Khalid Ait Taleb, Minister of Health and Social Protection, and Mr. Younes Sekkouri, Minister of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Employment and Skills, with Mr. Chakib Alj, the President of the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM) and members of the Confederation.

This meeting comes within the framework of a series of meetings with a group of political and economic actors chaired by the Head of Government to discuss the epidemiological situation in the Kingdom, and to raise awareness of the need to accompany the government's recent decision to open the Kingdom's airspace to international flights to and from Morocco, with measures and measures commensurate with the magnitude of the challenges, to preserve the gains.
At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Chakib Alj praised the government's recent decision to open the Kingdom's airspace, stressing that this decision will have positive repercussions on a range of economic sectors, especially the tourism sector, as it is the largest affected sector.
This meeting was an opportunity to talk about the importance of raising awareness of the need to fully adhere to all precautionary measures, and to adhere to all directives issued by public authorities, within companies and companies, aimed at containing the spread of the "Corona" virus.



The attendees agreed that the government's decision to open the Kingdom's airspace constitutes a major challenge and a turning point in the process of combating the "Corona" virus, which necessitates the need for mass mobilization to besiege it, through the massive turnout to complete the vaccination path, while stressing the importance of the third dose to strengthen collective immunity and avoid any possible serious complications of the virus in the event of infection.


The absence of vaccination can have serious consequences for public health, and complementing its course with a booster dose would avoid any negative developments of the epidemiological situation, with prior awareness of the economic, social and psychological cost of any new epidemic wave.
The importance of vaccination increases for all citizens in general, and within companies and contractors in particular, considering that the spread of the epidemic negatively affects the activity of companies that our country relies on to achieve economic take-off, especially since vaccination has proven to be the best solution to achieve collective immunity and return public life in our country to normal, and therefore companies and companies must seek to circulate the vaccination passport to all their employees, which is the same conviction expressed by the representatives of the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises, in order to protect their economic activity and preserve On the public safety of all citizens.


With regard to ways to revive the economic recovery of enterprises in light of the ongoing pandemic, the attendees appreciated the government's decision to launch an emergency plan to support the tourism sector worth two Billion dirhams, in addition to a set of other ambitious programs aimed at supporting youth initiatives and promoting the spirit of entrepreneurship, such as the "Awrach" and "Forsa" program, in addition to the government's acceleration of the pace of holding the sessions of the Investment Committee, and pumping 13 Billion dirhams to companies as tax arrears, which would give them a strong impetus and support them to withstand In the face of crisis.
At the end of the meeting, the two parties agreed to hold another meeting dedicated to deepening the discussion regarding economic recovery mechanisms, creating effective ideas and solutions to accompany companies in the path of recovery from the complications of the pandemic, and turning the crisis into opportunities to accelerate the desired economic take-off. 
The meeting was attended by the President of the CGEM, Mr. Chakib Alj, accompanied by Mr. Mehdi Tazi, Vice-President General, the presidents of sectoral and regional federations, as well as a large number of representatives of Moroccan businesses and members of CGEM institutions.

