The Head of Government holds meeting with trade union centrals to discuss the epidemiological situation in the Kingdom

Photo 1 - Syndicats 09_02_22.jpeg

The Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, held a meeting on Wednesday 09 February 2022 with the trade union centrals, which was attended by the Minister of the Interior, Mr. Abdelouafi Laftit, the Minister of Health and Social Protection, Mr. Khalid Ait Taleb, the Minister of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Employment and Skills, Mr. Younes Sekkouri, and the Minister Delegate to the Head of Government, in charge of Relations with Parliament, Government Spokesperson, Mr. Mustapha Baitas.
This meeting comes within the framework of a series of meetings held by the Head of Government with the heads of political parties represented in Parliament, the President and members of the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM), general secretaries and human resources managers in various ministerial sectors and public institutions, and representatives of territorial communities, to discuss the epidemiological situation in the Kingdom, and to raise awareness of the need to accompany the government's recent decision to open airspace with a set of measures that would preserve the gains.
During the meeting, the Head of Government stressed the importance of the role of trade union centrals in the process of raising awareness of the need for employees and employees to engage in completing the vaccination process, and strengthening it with the third dose, in order to protect the health of citizens and achieve collective immunity, which ensures a return to normal life.

In this regard, he stressed that representatives of trade union centrals play a pivotal role in educating citizens about the importance of adhering to the health measures taken by the public authorities, especially the demand for vaccination, in order to fortify gains and protect the health of citizens.
For their part, the representatives of the union centrals highlighted in their interventions that the completion of the vaccination path will allow a gradual return to normal life, especially the third booster dose, which will protect the lives of employees and employees, in the event of infection and protect them from the danger stage.
They expressed their commitment to raising the pace of sensitizing citizens and mobilizing them for the demand for vaccination, noting the Kingdom's achievements in combating the pandemic.
The meeting was attended by Mr. Miloudi Moukharik, Secretary General of the Moroccan Labour Union, Mrs. Khadija Zoumi, Advisor in charge of a mission at the General Union of Workers in Morocco, Mr. Khalid Alami Houir and Mr. Boukhalfa Bouchta, Deputy Secretary-General of the Democratic Confederation of Labour, Mr. Mohamed Zouiten, Deputy Secretary-General of the National Labour Union of Morocco, Mr. Abdelhamid Fatihi, Secretary General of the Democratic Federation of Labour, and Mr. Ali Lotfi, Secretary General of the Democratic Labour Organization.
