Mr. Akhannouch invites the trade union centrals and the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM) to hold the first session of social dialogue next Thursday

The Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch called, Monday in Rabat, the trade union centrals, and the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM) to hold the first session of social dialogue next Thursday.
"Aware of all the stakes, I call, as President of the Central Trade Union Government and the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM), to hold the first session of social dialogue next Thursday, to start serious and responsible thinking on how to institutionalize social dialogue so that its holding is binding and regular, and to agree on a national charter for social dialogue that defines the rights and duties of the various actors, sets rules for structures and institutions of dialogue, and regulates the methods of work and cooperation between the various partners," said Mr. Akhannouch, in a speech on the occasion of the opening of the Sixth Inter-Parliamentary Forum on Social Justice. socialists".
He pointed out that this session will be held "to deliberate on social priorities that are of interest to representatives of the working class at the level of the private and public sectors, as well as representatives of businessmen, whether in the short, medium or long term."
On this occasion, Mr. Akhannouch expressed "full confidence in the spirit and sincere national reference that governs all components of this dialogue, a spirit that puts the supreme interest of our country above all considerations, especially as we face multiple and varied challenges, which we all have no way but to cooperate and cooperate to win their bets and consolidate social peace, in a way that guarantees social justice and human dignity as the most important components of the social state laid down by His Majesty the King."
Mr. Akhannouch noted that previous government experiences have shown that the completion of the pillars of the social state cannot be achieved outside the establishment of regular and periodic rules for social dialogue, stressing that in order for the latter to play its role as a form of dialogue based on the value of the participatory approach as a constitutional value, and to be effective in important social, economic and legislative decisions, the government and all social partners must put their hands in the hands of some within the framework of respecting the constitutional duties entrusted to each other.
He pointed out that the government intends during this government mandate to move towards developing a new vision to institutionalize social dialogue and expand it to include emerging issues, by strengthening the position of national union actors in this field and providing them with the necessary capabilities and mechanisms to work and promote the right and freedom of trade unions, noting that what he aspires to behind social dialogue is to contribute to the emergence of a new social pact, as called for by His Majesty the King, between the government and the social partners, which contributes to the stability of economic and social conditions and leads to development. without prejudice to any party, and without prejudice to the duties and rights guaranteed to each partner in the dialogue.
"The partners will find in us all the support required to protect the basic rights of the worker by ensuring decent working conditions, social protection, helping to deepen the democratic participation of the parties concerned in the dialogue, the sense of participation in finding solutions to important economic and social issues, and helping national enterprises to overcome the difficulties of entrepreneurship resulting from force majeure," the head of government added .
The Head of Government concluded by stressing that the government's approach is sincere and responsible in order to assume full responsibility in a new generation of social dialogue in a way that ensures responsiveness to the demands of these components, but at the same time takes into account the difficult situation that the national economy is going through due to the continued dire repercussions of the Corona virus-19, and the difficult introductions dictated by the current climatic conditions in the agricultural field.