The Head of Government reviews the annual report of the Insurance and Social Welfare Supervisory Authority

The Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, was briefed on Wednesday, January 12, 2022, in a virtual meeting, on the activity report of the Insurance and Social Welfare Supervisory Authority for the year 2020, presented by the Acting President of the Authority, Mr. Othman Khalil El Alamy, in accordance with the requirements of Article 9 of Law 64-12 updating the Authority.
At the same meeting, the Head of Government reviewed a report on the results of the monitoring during the same year with regard to retirement or income operations subject to a legal provision in accordance with article 11 of the same law.This meeting was an opportunity for Mr. Alami to provide a comprehensive overview of the situation of the insurance and social welfare sectors for the year 2020, as well as the results of the Authority's activities with regard to monitoring.
The Superintendency of Insurance and Social Welfare monitors the work of insurance and reinsurance companies, the distribution network, and social welfare bodies, and ensures the protection of the insured, subscribers, subscribers, and beneficiaries of rights.

