Head of Governmentholds meeting with general secretaries and human resources managers of various ministerial sectors and public institutions, to discuss developments in the epidemiological situation in the Kingdom


The Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, held this morning, Wednesday, February 02, 2022, in the presence of Mr. Abdelouafi Laftit, Minister of Interior, Mr. Khaled Ait Taleb, Minister of Health and Social Protection, and Ms. Ghita Mezzour, Minister Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of Digital Transition and Administration Reform, a meeting with general secretaries and human resources managers of various ministerial departments and public institutions, to discuss the developments of the epidemiological situation in the Kingdom, and to identify the most prominent measures adopted within public administrations and institutions, to preserve On the gains made by our country in the face of the pandemic. 
This meeting was an opportunity to talk about the importance of increasing the pace of mobilization in order to adhere to all precautionary measures and adhere to all directives issued by public authorities within the various public administrations and institutions.
In this context, the Head of Governmentstressed the importance of the involvement of public administrations and institutions in continuing to adopt precautionary and preventive measures against Covid-19 inside their facilities, in a way that ensures the safety of employees and companions, and maintains the continuity of work within them, calling for sensitizing all employees to the importance of speeding up the completion of the vaccination path, while ensuring that the third booster dose is taken, considering its essential role in achieving vaccine immunity, in the hope of a gradual return to normal life. 
It was also agreed that measures should be strengthened to monitor the compliance of employees with the directives of the public authorities, especially with regard to the permissibility of vaccination.
For their part, the general secretaries of the various ministries and public institutions expressed their firm desire to ensure compliance with all instructions, and to mobilize all frameworks, means and mechanisms, in order to engage in educating employees of public administrations and institutions in the success of the vaccination path, especially the third booster dose, to protect human capital and maintain public safety for citizens. 
In line with the new challenges posed by this sensitive stage in the fight against the pandemic, it was agreed on the need to intensify efforts and ensure the follow-up of procedures and measures within the various public administrations and institutions, in order to raise the efficiency of the public facility and establish a new culture among its employees, and urge them to adapt their administrative work in a way that ensures the provision of quality services, using modern digital methods that benefit current and future generations, in line with the aspirations of the stage, and respond to the challenges of the pandemic period and beyond.

