Speech of the Head of Government for the eighth session of the Moroccan-Mauritanian Joint High Commission

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and prayers and peace be upon the most honorable of the Messengers
Your Excellency, Prime Minister Mohamed Ould Bilal Messaoud,
Ladies and Gentlemen Ministers,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
At the outset, I am pleased to welcome Your Excellency and the accompanying delegation, wishing you a good stay in your second country, the Kingdom of Morocco, and expressing the happiness that overwhelms us as we renew our meeting with dear brothers with whom we have sincere bonds of love and brotherhood in the context of the strong and solid ties that unite our two brotherly neighbors, which enjoy the kind patronage of the leaders of the two countries, His Majesty King Mohammed VI, and his brother, His Excellency President Mohamed Ould Cheikh Ghazouani.
I also take this opportunity to express my great pleasure at the convening of the eighth session of the Moroccan-Mauritanian Joint High Commission, which will certainly constitute another link in the distinguished march of our bilateral relations, noting the positive dynamic that these relations have become known and the growing desire to strengthen and develop them for the benefit of the two brotherly countries and peoples.
Our meeting today is an opportunity to review and evaluate the outcome of our cooperation in various fields, whether political, economic, cultural, or social, and at the same time constitutes an opportunity to think together on the development of methods to establish effective partnerships with a view to achieving the optimal exploitation of the economic potential of the two countries.
Your Excellency Mister Prime Minister,
Your Excellencies, Ministers,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Our two countries, praise be to God, have been able during these recent years to establish a rich and diverse legal framework for bilateral cooperation in many fields, and here it is necessary to note the dynamism of bilateral cooperation relations, which has been translated through increasing the frequency of exchange of visits and experiences between the two countries in recent years, as well as agreements, memoranda of understanding and executive programs to be signed during this session.
In this context, we call for greater involvement of economic actors and the private sector of the two countries in activating economic cooperation in general, developing trade exchange between the two countries to reach joint investment projects that benefit both sides and establishing profitable productive projects and partnerships with a strategic dimension, which will be a model for South-South cooperation.
It should be noted that the ties of our two countries at the spiritual and cultural levels are strong as a result of the common religious constants represented in the Maliki doctrine, the Ash'arite faith, Sufism and the Tijaniyya, Qadiriyah and Shadhili Sufi orders.
The Islamic Republic of Mauritania is also at the forefront of African countries whose students benefit from scholarships and pedagogical seats in various Moroccan universities and higher institutes.
Your Excellency the Prime Minister.
Your Excellencies, Ministers.
Ladies and Gentlemen.
Our meeting is taking place against the backdrop of profound regional changes, major international transformations, and security challenges that are imposing themselves on the countries of the region, which requires intensifying security coordination between the two countries and cooperation in all fields related to development, in order to confront the threats to the security of the region associated with illegal immigration, trafficking in human beings, drugs and terrorism, by adopting a comprehensive approach that combines the security and social dimensions.
In this context, the Kingdom of Morocco stresses the importance of providing financial and logistical support to the regional organizations concerned, in particular the Community of Sahelo-Saharan States (CEN-SAD) and the Group of Five Sahel States (G5 Sahel).
At the continental level, guided by the High Directives of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, May God Assist Him, and by his vision for a prosperous, liberated, and sovereign Africa, the Kingdom of Morocco stresses the importance of completing the institutional reform of the African Union and developing its policy in its spiritual, developmental, and economic dimensions in order to promote balanced relations based on cooperation and solidarity in the face of challenges.
Your Excellency the Prime Minister.
Your Excellencies, Ministers.
Ladies and Gentlemen.
We are certain that the collective will of our countries and our sincere desire will enable us, with God's help and strength, to win the bet, rise to challenges, and achieve the purpose of raising the levels of our distinguished relations in various fields.
In conclusion, I would like to thank the experts and senior officials of our two countries for their fruitful efforts to make this session a success.
I ask the Almighty to provide us with His help so that we can reach the noble purposes and objectives that we all envisage and to guide us to the good and interest of our two brotherly countries and peoples.
Peace, mercy, and blessings of God Almighty.