Morocco is an ideal partner with all the qualifications to turn the challenges of the global situation into opportunities (The Head of Government)

Morocco is an ideal partner with all the qualifications to turn the challenges of the situation, together with its partners, into opportunities, the Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch said Wednesday in Davos.
In an intervention at the World Economic Forum, the Head of Government reiterated the government's full commitment to accompany partners in investment projects, through accelerated reforms and permanent improvement of investment conditions, with the prospect of "building together the path of creating shared value."
In a multipolar world, the Kingdom, under the enlightened leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, has become a regional model, he said, recalling the building of modern and democratic institutions embodied in the 2011 Constitution, the reform of the Family Code, and the launch of advanced regionalization as a mechanism for participatory democracy.
The head of government noted that the infrastructure has been laid in accordance with the best international standards, which has given Morocco an air-land-sea connection unparalleled in the region (2,000 km of highway network, Africa's first high-speed rail line, the continent's largest port on the Mediterranean, and soon the largest port on the Atlantic... In addition to 14 international airports that provide a very large connection capacity to the African continent).
He highlighted that these infrastructures have enabled Morocco to enjoy flexible agriculture, a very attractive tourism sector, and high-performance industries, such as automobiles or the aviation industry, which have made the Kingdom a reference destination.
At the continental level, Mr. Akhannouch noted that Morocco has established relations of trust that establish its effectiveness as a privileged partner, recalling that over the past twenty years (more than 50 visits), the African visit of His Majesty King Mohammed VI has enabled the signing of more than 1,000 cooperation agreements.
Thus, the head of government continues, in the face of protectionist reactions, the African Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA) was born in Africa. Thanks to the strength of its free trade agreements with the European Union and the United States, the investment in Morocco gives access to a market of two billion consumers.
Morocco has also become a pioneer in sustainable development, which is the economic and human challenge of the current generation, said Akhannouch, "therefore, renewable energies represent 38 percent of our energy mix, and we look to raise them to more than 50 percent by 2030."
He also reviewed Morocco's competitive advantage in renewable energies, explaining the Kingdom's bet on the development of the green hydrogen sector, to be "a key actor in decarbonizing the global economy."
At the crossroads between Europe, the Atlantic, and Africa, Mr. Akhannouch argues, Morocco's outstanding geostrategic potential puts it in a positive position to reorganize global value chains. On this basis, Morocco has adopted a new investment charter, which sets out a new attractive and stimulating framework targeting all investors, whether local or foreign and of various types of investments, small or large.
According to him, this charter is also the impetus behind the recent reforms aimed at simplifying tax procedures and harmonizing them with the best international standards, by reducing the tax burden on small and medium-sized enterprises, which constitute one of the levers of economic growth in the country.
A Moroccan delegation, led by the Head of Government, is participating in the World Economic Forum in Davos, which runs from January 16th to 20th.
The delegation includes Minister of Industry and Trade Mr. Ryad Mezzour, Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development Ms. Leila Benali, Minister Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of Investment, Convergence, and Evaluation of Public Policies, Mr. Mohcine Jazouli, and the Director General of the Moroccan Agency for Investment and Export Development, Mr. Ali Seddiki.