Head of Government chairs the fourteenth meeting of the Ministerial Committee for Administrative Decentralization

  • Presentation of the preliminary outcome of the implementation of the National Charter for Administrative Decentralization.
  • Approval of the final version of joint and sectoral administrative representations at the regional and regional levels.
  • Approving the transfer of a set of investment decisions to the entity after they were taken at the level of the Center.

The Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch chaired, Monday (June 19th) in Rabat, the fourteenth meeting of the Ministerial Committee for Administrative Decentralization, in order to continue and accelerate the implementation of the requirements of the decentralization workshops, which are of great interest to HM King Mohammed VI, may God protect him.
The meeting was an opportunity to present the preliminary outcome of the activation of the National Charter for Administrative Decentralization, in addition to studying the proposals of joint/sectoral administrative representations, which aim to achieve unity of the work of the State's interests and rationalize expenditures through the adoption of the principle of mutual support in the use of human and material resources and their sharing in joint representations.
The meeting concluded with the approval of the final version of the joint and sectoral administrative representations at the regional and regional levels, after discussing them with the concerned sectors and agreeing on them. It was also agreed to create regional and regional administrative poles, which will form integrated administrative units with delegated management and clear competencies, as stipulated in the National Charter for Administrative Decentralization, thus contributing to the development and improvement of the work of the administration at the regional and local levels. The transfer of a set of special decisions was also approved. By investing in the entity after it was taken at the level of the center, in order to speed up decisions related to investment.
With these measures, our country will be able to generalize the coverage of territorial areas at all levels: regions, prefectures, and regions with administrative representations representing all government sectors in order to bring all administrative departments closer to the various actors and speed up decisions related to investment.

After reviewing the outcome of the implementation of the administrative Deconcentration workshops, the Head of Government called on all concerned sectors, in implementation of the High Royal Instructions, to accelerate the full activation of the contents of the National Charter for Administrative Decentralization and translate it into reality because of its direct effects on raising the attractiveness of investment, facilitating the lives of citizens and bringing the administration closer to them, as well as its pivotal link to completing the download of advanced regionalization workshops.


Mr. Aziz Akhannouch also called on all ministerial sectors to commit to evaluating the implementation of the directorate's designs and updating them within a period of three years from their entry into force, as required by Article 22 of the Charter of Administrative Deconcentration, calling on them to fully comply with this legal requirement and to expedite the updating of these designs, with the adoption of a new approach based on defining the competencies of a declarative nature to be transferred, accompanied by the necessary financial and human resources, and giving priority, on the occasion of updating the aforementioned designs, to decisions related to investment and decisions that are directly related. To improve the access of citizens to administrative services.
The meeting was attended by the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Equipment and Water, the Minister of Health and Social Protection, the Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, the Minister of Transport and Logistics, the Minister Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of Investment, Convergence and Evaluation of Public Policies, the Minister Delegate to the Minister of Economy and Finance in charge of the budget, the Minister Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of Digital Transition and Administration Reform, and the Director General of the National Transportations Regulatory Agency.
