The head of government presides over the fourth and final meeting of the National Steering Committee for the organization of the annual general meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund, scheduled to be held in Marrakech


On Thursday, September 7, 2023, in Rabat, the Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, chaired the fourth and final meeting of the National Steering Committee for the organization of the annual general meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund, scheduled to take place in Marrakech in the upcoming October. The event is expected to host 14,000 high-level participants, including ministers of Economy and Finance and central bank governors from the 189 member countries.
This meeting was dedicated to reviewing the latest arrangements to finalize Morocco's preparations at all levels to host this international event. It provides an opportunity for the Kingdom to present its vision on numerous issues related to current and future challenges and to echo the voice of the African continent and its concerns to the international community.
During the meeting, the Head of Government emphasized that Morocco has established itself as a preferred destination for hosting global events requiring high-quality organization. This achievement is attributed to the exceptional development process that our country has undergone over the past two decades under the enlightened leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him.
Mr. Aziz Akhannouch underscored that the choice of Morocco to host a global meeting of the caliber of the annual general meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund, which are held every three years in a different continent, reflects the special interest that international financial institutions have in the Kingdom.

During the meeting, presentations were given to the Committee members regarding the organizational and logistical arrangements ensuring the optimal reception of participants, as well as Morocco's participation in the scientific program of this event. This meeting comes two months after the visit made by the Head of Government, accompanied by committee members, to Marrakech, during which he called on all parties to accelerate the preparations to ensure the success of this important event.
The 4th meeting of the National Steering Committee for the organization of the annual general meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund was attended by Mr. Abdelouafi Laftit, Minister of the Interior, Mr. Nasser Bourita, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccans Residing Abroad, Ms. Nadia Fettah, Minister of Economy and Finance, Mr. Khalid Ait Taleb, Minister of Health and Social Protection, Ms. Fatim Ezzahra El Mansouri, Minister of National Territory Planning, Urbanism, Housing, and City Policy, Ms. Fatima Zahra Ammor, Minister of Tourism, Handicrafts, and Social and Solidarity Economy, Mr. Mohamed Abdeljalil, Minister of Transport and Logistics, Ms. Ghita Mezzour, Delegate Minister to the Head of Government in charge of Digital Transition and Administrative Reform, as well as Mr. Abdellatif Jouahri, Governor of Bank Al-Maghrib, Mr. Abdelhamid Addou, CEO of Royal Air Maroc, Adil El Fakir, Director of the National Office of Tourism of Morocco, Mr. Azelarab Hassibi, Director-General of the National Telecommunications Regulatory Agency, and Mr. Mohamed Kharmoudi, Director of Administrative and General Affairs at the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
