The Head of Government holds meetings with the education unions that signed the agreement on January 14, 2023.


On Monday, October 30, in Rabat, the Head of Government, Aziz Akhannouch, held meetings in the presence of the Ministers of National Education, Preschool, and Sports and Economic Inclusion, Small Businesses, with the education unions that signed the agreement on January 14, 2023, namely the National Federation of Education (UMT), the National Education Syndicate (CDT), the Free Education Federation (UGTM), and the National Education Syndicate (FDT).

These meetings come in light of the developments made in implementing the education system reform, and as part of the ongoing dialogue and consultation process adopted by the government with its social partners with the aim of promoting public school.
During throughout these meetings, emphasis was placed on the shared commitment of the government and its social partners to implement the content of the minutes of the agreement of January 14, 2023. It was also indicated that further meetings will be held, under the supervision of the Head of Government, with the goal of working towards improving the status concurrently with the ongoing sector reform.
The agreement of January 14, 2023, paved the way for the establishment of a dedicated roadmap for the reform of the public school, within a dynamic that places the student at the center of this process.
