Government Council Meeting on Thursday, May 9, 2024


The government council met on Thursday, 30 Chaoual 1445, corresponding to May 9, 2024, under the chairmanship of Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, dedicated to the examination of several legal text projects and the discussion of proposals for appointments to senior positions, in accordance with Article 92 of the Constitution.

•    At the beginning of the proceedings, the Government Council examined and adopted the draft decree number 2.23.1143 fixing the composition and prerogatives of the Commission responsible for implementing the duties of the General Delegate for Penitentiary Administration and Reintegration, presented by the Minister of Youth, Culture, and Communication, Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid on behalf of the Minister of Justice, Abdellatif Ouahbi.
•    Next, the Council examined and adopted the draft decree No. 2.23.1192 fixing the accreditation modalities of technical organizations in the field of protection against ionizing radiation, presented by the Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, Leila Benali.
•    The Council continued its work by approving the draft decree No. 2.23.169 completing decree No. 2.08.573 of 2 Moharram 1430 (September 30, 2008) establishing remuneration for services provided by the Ministry of Communication (the Higher Institute of Information and Communication), presented by the Minister of Youth, Culture, and Communication, Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid.
•    Subsequently, the Council examined and adopted the draft decree No. 2.22.1075 granting the disabled person card, taking into account the raised remarks, presented by the Minister of Solidarity, Social Integration, and Family, Aawatif Hayar.

The Council concluded its work by approving the proposals for appointments to senior positions, in accordance with the provisions of Article 92 of the Constitution. The following appointments were made:

  • At the Ministry of National Education, Preschool, and Sports,
    • Mr. Adil Zerouali Amri was appointed Director of the Regional Center for Education and Training Professions in the Oriental region;
  • At the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research, and Innovation:
    • Mr. Said El Marzouki was appointed Director of the National School of Commerce and Management in Kenitra;
  • At the Ministry of Equipment and Water:
    • Mr. Abdelhamid Azmani was appointed Director of Information Systems and Digital Technology.
