The Head of Government Chairs a Meeting on Implementation Mechanisms for the Law on Alternative Sentences

The Head of Government chaired a meeting this Wednesday in Rabat, attended by the Minister of Justice, the General Delegate for Penitentiary Administration and Reintegration, and the Director General of the Deposit and Management Fund (CDG). This meeting focused on discussing the mechanisms for implementing Law 43.22 on alternative sentences, published in the Official Bulletin on August 22, 2024. It also addressed the administrative, financial, and managerial requirements necessary to advance this reform project, which aims to mitigate the negative effects of custodial sentences and address the issue of overcrowding in correctional facilities.
During the discussions, participants agreed on the concept and methodology for implementing the alternative sentencing initiative. This includes the formation of a steering committee and thematic commissions tasked with analyzing the technical and practical challenges of this ambitious project. Their mandate is to draft the regulatory decrees required for the enforcement of alternative sentences within a maximum period of five months, ensuring full alignment with the provisions set forth in the law.
The meeting also outlined the general framework for a partnership agreement between the Deposit and Management Fund (CDG) and the General Delegation for Penitentiary Administration and Reintegration. This agreement will primarily focus on monitoring the implementation of alternative sentences at both the central and local levels.
The judicial activation of alternative sentences reflects the High Royal Directives, which advocate for a modernized approach to criminal policy. This approach involves revising and harmonizing criminal laws and procedures to address contemporary challenges effectively.
The meeting was attended by high-ranking officials, including the Secretary General of the Public Prosecution Office, the President of the Criminal Justice Division of the Higher Council of Judicial Power, the Director of Penal Affairs, Pardons, and Crime Detection at the Ministry of Justice, the Director of Equipment and Asset Management at the Ministry of Justice, and the Director of Budget at the Ministry of Economy and Finance.