Launching the National Program Forsa, an ambitious and innovative program to encourage entrepreneurial work


Considering the difficulties faced by young people in accessing sources of finance and the obstacles faced by very small enterprises and given the effects of the Covid-19 crisis on the national economy, encouraging entrepreneurial work and creating job opportunities are among the priorities of the government program. In this context, the government is launching the Forsa program, an ambitious and innovative program targeting all people over the age of 18 who are holders of entrepreneurial ideas or projects.
The Forsa program, which comes in response to the Royal directives related to encouraging investment and employment, especially among youth, places the empowerment of citizens at the heart of its work, as it provides two mechanisms that combine support and financing. The Forsa program meets other support initiatives for individual initiatives and integrates with the established system.
A financial envelope will be allocated for the Forsa program amounting to 1.25 billion Dirhamsfor 2022. The program aims to support 10,000 project holders in all sectors of the economy, while ensuring the principles of regional and gender equality.
The support mechanism includes training in e-learning for all selected projects, in addition to incubating the most promising projects for two and a half months, by mobilizing the incubated structures at the level of the region.
Regarding the beneficiary financing mechanism, this mechanism includes an honor loan up to a maximum of 100,000 Dirhams, including a grant of up to 10,000 Dirhams.
All sectors of activity are eligible for financing, with a maximum loan repayment period of up to 10 years with a two-year deferral period.
Project holders will be selected following the RFP, with the process scheduled to be launched in early April 2022. Candidates will then submit their application files on the digital platform. They will be able to benefit from assistance at the level of Forsa offices open for this purpose at the level of all regions of the Kingdom, and a customer relations center will be provided, which will work to assist project holders throughout the duration of this process.
In addition, a governance system has been put in place to lead and accompany the implementation of the program. It consists of a strategic committee chaired by the head of government, a national leadership committee, and regional and provincial committees.
The effective mainstreaming of the Forsa program depends on the mobilization of partners at the regional level, in particular regional investment centers, microfinance institutions, and local incubators.
The Moroccan Company for Tourism Engineering (SMIT)has been appointed to lead the program, in particular through the creation of a management and tracking unit dedicated to the Forsa program, to be disseminated throughout the national territory.

