Meeting of the Council of Government of Thursday 9 June 2022


On Thursday 09 Dhu Qu' Idah 1443, corresponding to 09 June 2022, the government held its weekly council under the chairmanship of Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, Head of Government, devoted to the presentation of two sectoral presentations, one on the data and evolutions of the baccalaureate exams - 2022 session, and the other on the reform of the legal framework governing public procurement,  deliberations on a number of draft legal texts, revision of an international agreement and proposals for appointment to high-level posts in accordance with article 92 of the Constitution.

Press release (Arabic version) in annexes

  • Subsequently, the Council of Government deliberated and approved draft Decree No. 2.22.194 establishing the National Commission for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, submitted by Ms. Aawatif Hayar, Minister of Solidarity, Social Inclusion and Family.
  • After that, the Council of Government deliberated and approved the draft decree No. 2.22.410 on the opening of additional appropriations for the management budget - common expenses, presented by Mr. Fouzi Lekjaa, Minister Delegate to the Minister of Economy and Finance in charge of the budget.

The Council of Government then examined the Mixed African Convention on the Establishment of an African Technical Cooperation Programme, adopted at Kampala, Uganda, in August 1975, and Draft law No. 24.22 approving the said Convention, presented by Mr. Abdellatif Miraoui, Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, on behalf of Mr. Nasser Bourita,  Minister of Foreign Affairs, African cooperation and Moroccans Expatriates.

The Council of Government concluded its work by deliberating and approving proposals for appointments to positions of responsibility in accordance with article 92 of the Constitution.

  • At the level of the Ministry of Tourism, Handicrafts and Social and Solidarity Economy, the following have been appointed:
    • Mr. Hassan Chouikh, Director of Vocational Training and Continuing Education of Artisans.
