Council of Government of Thursday, March 23, 2023


On Thursday, March 23, 2023, the government held a cabinet council chaired by Head of Government Mr. Aziz Akhannouch to present a sectoral presentation on the "content of the National Plan to Combat and Prevent Trafficking in Human Beings" 2023-2030 and the referral mechanism for victims of human trafficking crimes,  and to deliberate and approve a number of draft legal texts and proposals for appointment to high-level posts in accordance with article 92 of the Constitution. 

Press release (Arabic version) in annexes

  • Subsequently, the Council of Government deliberated and approved Draft law No. 61.22 amending and supplementing the Dahir as Law No. 1.75.292 of 5 Chaoual 1397 (19 September 1977) on measures for the protection of domestic animals against infectious diseases, presented by Mr. Mohamed Sadiki, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries,  rural development, water, and forests. 
  • After that, the Council of Government deliberated and approved the draft decree No. 2.23.107 amending and supplementing Decree No. 2.17.321 of 22 Chaoual 1438 (17 July 2017) establishing a temporary directorate at the Ministry of Equipment, Transport, Logistics and Water to supervise the completion of the preparation work of the national road No. 1 between Tiznit and Dakhla,  presented by Mr. Ryad Mezzour, Minister of Industry and Trade, on behalf of Mr. Nizar Baraka, Minister of Equipment and Water. 
  • The Council of Government  continued its work by deliberating and approving draft Decree No. 2.23.162 amending Decree No. 2.93.66 of 14 Rabii II 1414 (October 1993) pursuant to Law No. 89.016 on the Practice of the Architectural Profession and the Establishment of the National Organization of Architects, presented by Ms. Fatima Ezzahra El Mansouri, Minister of National Territory and Urban Planning, Housing, and City Policy.

The Council of Government concluded its work by deliberating and approving proposals for appointments to positions of responsibility in accordance with article 92 of the Constitution.

  • At the level of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, the following persons have been appointed:
    • Mr. Mohamed Akouri, Director of the University Hospital of the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Region;
  • At the level of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the appointment of:
    • Mr. Abderrahim Taibi, Director of the Moroccan Institute for Standardization;
    • Mr. Yousef Zahoui, Director of International Commercial Relations. 
