Council of Government of Thursday, April 27, 2023


On Thursday, 6 Chaoual 1444, corresponding to April 27, 2023, the government held a Council of Government, chaired by Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, Head of Government, devoted to the deliberation and approval of a number of draft legal texts. 

Press release (Arabic version) in annexes

اجتماع مجلس الحكومة ليومه الخميس 27 أبريل 2023
اجتماع مجلس الحكومة ليومه الخميس 27 أبريل 2023
اجتماع مجلس الحكومة ليومه الخميس 27 أبريل 2023
  • At the beginning of this meeting, the Council of Government deliberated and approved draft Decree No. 2.22.481 on the Central Committee for Maritime Safety and Pollution Prevention - Fishing Vessels - presented by Mr. Mohamed Sadiki, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Rural Development, Water and Forests.
  • Subsequently, the Council of Government deliberated and approved draft Decree No. 2.22.800 laying down the rules for air transport of disabled persons or persons with reduced mobility, presented by Mr. Mohamed Abdeljalil, Minister of Transport and Logistics. 
  • The Council of Government  concluded its work by deliberating and approving draft Decree No. 2.23.112 implementing Law No. 25.19 on the Moroccan Copyright and Neighboring Rights Office, presented by Mr. Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid, Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication. 
