Appointements To the highest posts

Government Council Department Administrator Name Position
Thursday 09 November 2023 Ministry of Economy and Finance - Customs and Indirect Taxes Administration Mr. Lhassan Hallou Director of Facilitation and IT
Thursday 09 November 2023 Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research, and Innovation Mr. Omar Bouattane Director of the Higher Normal School of Technical Education (ENSET)-Mohammadia
Thursday 09 November 2023 Ministry of Youth, Culture, and Communication - Department of Youth Mr. Mohamed Ouzzian Head of the Directorate of Cooperation, Communication, and Legal Studies
Thursday 09 November 2023 Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research, and Innovation Mr. Abdelmajid Farchi Dean of the Faculty of Sciences and Techniques (FST)-Settat
Thursday 26 October 2023 Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development, Water, and Forests - Department of Agriculture Mr. Reda Ayouch Director of Strategy and Statistics
Thursday 26 October 2023 Ministry of National Territorial Planning, Urbanization, Housing, and City Policy - Department of Territorial Planning Mr. Abdelbaki Elhassani Regional Inspector for Urbanization, Architecture, and Territorial Planning in the Oriental region
Thursday 26 October 2023 Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research, and Innovation Mr. Azzedine Azem President of Chouaib Doukkali University in El Jadida
Thursday 26 October 2023 Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research, and Innovation Mr. Ahmed Mouchtachi, President of Moulay Ismail University in Meknes
Thursday 26 October 2023 Ministry of National Territorial Planning, Urbanization, Housing, and City Policy - Department of Territorial Planning Mr. Mustapha El Arich Director of the Safi-Youssoufia Urban Agency
Thursday 26 October 2023 Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research, and Innovation Mr. Abdeljalil Krifa Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities in Marrakech
