After discussing it in the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors... The first House approves the government program and gives confidence to the government

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After discussing it in the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors... The first chamber approves the government program and gives confidence to the government
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The House of Representatives approved, on Wednesday, during a plenary session, by a majority, the government program presented by Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch before the two houses of parliament, in accordance with the requirements of Article 88 of the Constitution.

The government program received the confidence of 213 deputies and 64 against it, while one deputy abstained from voting, thus granting its confidence to the new government based on what the Constitution stipulates in its article 88, which states: "The government shall be considered in office after obtaining the confidence of the House of Representatives, expressed by the vote of the absolute majority of the members of which it is composed, in favor of the government program."

After the approval of the Government programme by the House of Representatives , the new Government will have completed its constitutional requirements to exercise its powers and be accountable to Parliament. 

The parties of the government majority in the House of Representatives stressed that the commitments included in the government program married between ambition and realism and carried within them clear and transparent answers to many political, economic, and social expectations.

In their interventions, the parliamentary teams representing the majority expressed their support for the government in implementing this program, expressing at the same time their readiness to submit "constructive and targeted proposals, and warnings if necessary", in order to enrich and improve all projects, strategies and executive programs, as well as procedures and measures that serve the higher interests of the nation.

In response to the interventions of the parliamentary groups and groups on the government program, the Head of Government reiterated the realism of the government program based on consensus between the three parties that make up the government majority, stressing the need for concerted efforts by all, majority and opposition, to move forward in order to achieve the desired development in light of the current circumstance characterized by the Covid-19 pandemic.

In this regard, he stressed the need to promote investments in order to create jobs, achieve development for the country and prosperity for citizens, pointing out that all territorial authorities and communities in the Kingdom must be an extension of national programs and workshops in order to implement them optimally on the ground.

In a plenary session devoted to discussing the contents of the government program on Wednesday, the majority teams stressed that the latter is an integrated and ambitious program that includes clear priorities, and representatives of unions and the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM) in the House of Councillors stressed the need to recall the magnitude of social and economic challenges.

Noting that the government program gave an "integrated view" between the public and private sectors in economic growth, they stressed the need to adopt a participatory approach as a principle that establishes social democracy, and to ensure "positive interaction" with all national initiatives aimed at promoting the rights and gains of the working class to create the conditions for economic take-off.
