The government and the most representative unions agree on the methodology of social dialogue (statement)


On Thursday 24 and Friday 25 February 2022, rounds of social dialogue were launched, in response to the invitation of the Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, in the presence of Mr. Younes Sekkouri, Minister of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Employment and Competencies, Mr. Mustapha Baitas, Minister Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of Relations with Parliament - Government Spokesperson, and Ms. Ghita Mezzour, Minister Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of Digital Transition and Administration Reform, in an atmosphere characterized by a high national spirit of solidarity, within the framework of the common desire to launch a dialogue Social, solidarity, and responsible. 
The successive meetings with the most representative trade union centrals, hosted at the Head of Government's Office as part of the first round of social dialogue, saw the participation of: the Moroccan Labor Union headed by Secretary-General Miloudi Moukharik, the General Union of Workers in Morocco headed by Secretary-GeneralNaam Miyara, the Democratic Confederation of Labor headed by the two Deputy Secretaries-General, Mr. Alami Houir and Mr. Bouchta Boukhalfa, as well as the presence of representatives of the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises, headed by President Chakib Alj.
During these bilateral meetings, everyone expressed their pride in the importance of this initiative, which comes at the beginning of the government mandate, which would enhance trust, consolidate a culture of cooperation, and enshrine a participatory approach in managing public affairs, especially with regard to urgent social files that receive the utmost attention and attention from all parties. The parties also praised the continuous kindness and high care of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, in all segments of society, workers, wage earners and employers through a number of initiatives and measures that The pandemic has eased the impact of the pandemic and made Morocco a country of steadfastness and challenge in the face of all difficulties and challenges facing its development process in general.
With regard to the issues raised during these meetings, and in response to the demands of all union components, and in order to prepare a participatory approach based on the culture of results, the participants unanimously agreed to institutionalize the methodology of dialogue and surround it with all guarantees of success in a way that inevitably concludes with accurate and realistic agreements that make citizens feel their importance and relevance to their daily and professional concerns, and in this context the following methodology was agreed: 

Methodological engineering: It was agreed to form a High Committee for Dialogue chaired by the Head of Government, composed of the Secretaries-General of the most representative trade unions, the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises and the ministers concerned, to which the work of the special committees was presented, then a tripartite committee to solve major problems, the Private Sector Committee chaired by the Minister of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Employment and Skills, Mr. Younes Sekkouri, and the Public Sector Committee, chaired by the Minister Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of Digital Transition and Administration Reform, Ms. Ghita Mezzour, and between the committees a committee A technique for daring claimants into agreements.
Social file: The Head of Governmentaffirmed the adoption of urgent measures under the directives of the High Royal in order to reduce the burden on the Moroccan farmer, given the current climatic conditions, with the government's intention in the next few days to take actual and practical initiatives in order to preserve the purchasing power of citizens by directly supporting a group of productive social sectors and consumer goods, as well as launching sectoral dialogues.
Social legislation: It is mainly related to the discussion of the draft organic law on the exercise of the right to strike, the draft law on trade union organizations, and the amendment of the Labor Code. All parties expressed their openness and support for the launch of this discussion, with a time limit set for this in a participatory manner that considers their views and approaches, and in a way that ensures the accumulation and consolidation of gains.
Timetable: The Head of Government and the other parties agreed that despite the difficult circumstances and the multiple and varied constraints, it is necessary to reach clear agreements within a reasonable time.

