The Head of Government receives the World Bank Group President


The Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, received, on Wednesday, March 23, 2022, the President of the World Bank Group, Mr. David Malpass, who is on a working visit to Morocco.  
The meeting was attended from the Moroccan side by Mrs. Nadia Fettah, Minister of Economy and Finance, accompanied by Ms. Faouzia Zaaboul, Director of Treasury and External Finance of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and on behalf of the World Bank Group, Mr. Ferid Belhaj, Vice President in charge of the Middle East and North Africa, Mr. Jesko Hentschel, Regional Director of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and Mr. Xavier Reille, Director of the International Finance Company. 
The meeting, held at the Head of Government office in Rabat, was an opportunity to highlight the importance of the partnership between Morocco and the World Bank Group, and an opportunity to review ways to strengthen and develop it, and to keep pace with the important strategies and programs developed by Morocco under the wise leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God protect him, as well as to deliberate on the global situation characterized by initiatives aimed at achieving economic recovery and getting out of the repercussions of the Corona pandemic and the wave of high prices of raw materials in the world.
During this meeting, the Head of Government praised the level of strategic partnership between the Kingdom of Morocco and the World Bank, which aims to support and accompany the economic and social development that Morocco is witnessing, reviewing the most important structured projects and reforms undertaken in the Kingdom.
The Head of Government affirmed the Kingdom's determination to continue implementing a set of measures aimed at reducing the repercussions of the Corona pandemic, stimulating private investment, and achieving economic recovery.
For his part, the President of the World Bank Group reiterated the Group's commitment to supporting and accompanying the economic and social development that Morocco is witnessing, stressing that the Kingdom has the necessary capabilities to get out of the repercussions of the crisis resulting from the Corona pandemic. 
It is worth mentioning that Morocco joined the World Bank in April 1958, and from 1962 until today, it has been financed by many programs and plans.
