Government launches exceptional support for road transport professionals (press release)


Today, Wednesday, March 23, 2022, the government officially launched the process of providing exceptional support for road transport professionals, which was announced at the Government Council held on the tenth of this month, where different professional groups will benefit from it, and will be allocated to about 180,000 vehicles.
By providing this support, the government aims to support transport professionals by mitigating the effects of high fuel prices in the internal market due to the continuous escalation of international prices.
Starting from the first week of April 2022, road transport professionals will be able to benefit from the support assigned to them by category, starting from the electronic platform, which they can register with starting today. 
Public transport professionals will benefit from a subsidy of 2,200Dirhams for large taxis, 1,600 Dirhams for small taxis, 1,800 for dual carriages in rural areas,7,000 Dirhams for intercity buses and 6,200 Dirhams for urban buses.
 With regard to tourist transport, professionals will benefit from financial support of 2,800Dirhams for Class I buses, 1,400 Dirhams for Class II buses and 1,000 Dirhams for Class III vehicles (TGR/TLS).
With regard to professionals in the transport of goods for others, financial support of 1,000 Dirhams will be allocated to towing vehicles, 2,600 Dirhams for trucks with a permissible load exceeding 3.5 tons and less than 14 tons, 3,400 for trucks with a permissible load between 14 and 19 tons, 4,200 Dirhams for trucks with a permissible load weight exceeding 19 tons, and 6,000 Dirhams for road tractors. 
With regard to the support allocated to the transport of personnel and school transport, professionals in the transport of personnel for hire or reward will receive financial assistance of 1,200 Dirhams for each vehicle, and 1,000 Dirhams for each vehicle assigned to school transport for others.
