The Head of Government holds meeting in the presence of a number of ministers on the investment file


The Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, held, on Wednesday, October 27, 2021, in Rabat, an important meeting, which was attended by the Head of Government:

  • Mr. Abdelouafi Laftit, Minister of the Interior.
  • Ms. Nadia Fettah, Minister of Economy and Finance.
  • Mr. Ryad Mezzour, Minister of Industry and Trade.
  • Ms. Fatima Ezzahra El Mansouri, Minister of National Territory and Urban Planning, Housing, and City Policy.
  • Mr. Younes Sekkouri, Minister of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Employment and Skills.
  • Mr. Mohcine Jazouli, Minister Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of investment, convergence, and evaluation of public policies.

This government meeting devoted to the investment file follows the meeting of the Ministerial Council, chaired by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God protect him, on October 17 in Fez, and devoted mainly to examining the general directions of the 2022 Finance Draft Law, which highlighted the need to consolidate the foundations for the revival of the national economy.
Thus, the meeting held today aimed to reflect on ways to stimulate investment and consolidate the foundations for economic recovery, in line with the High Royal Directives, and in light of the common reference of the new development model, as well as the government program, especially in the area of employment, through a set of comprehensive and effective measures to push for strong, sustainable, and inclusive economic growth, creating jobs.
The Head of Government and the attending ministers discussed several points, including means of encouraging investment and supporting actors in the field by activating a set of cranes, as well as discussing the difficulties faced by enterprises, as well as the investment charter, and the importance and role of regional investment centers.
The Head of Government and the ministers also discussed the measures that must be implemented within the framework of the consolidation of advanced regionalization and administrative decentralization in favor of stimulating investment.
In the same context, ways to activate the Mohammed VI Investment Fund were discussed. This fund, for which a financial envelope of 15 Billion dirhams was allocated under the previous finance law, will be strengthened under the Finance 2022, by mobilizing financing with partners by an additional 30 Billion dirhams. 
This strategic fund is an important lever for growth, which the government seeks to give a new impetus. This fund is concerned with promoting investment projects, through public-private partnerships, with particular priority given to export-oriented industrial sectors, agriculture, real estate, and tourism, as well as investment projects related to promising strategic projects for human development (education, health, water, digital technology, green economy, etc.). 
Stimulating investment is at the heart of the government's work, which aims to make it a real lever for development and strengthen the foundations for economic recovery and job creation.
It will also be dedicated to strengthening the convergence between the levers and the means available or that can be harnessed to support investment at the territorial level, in order to facilitate the investment process, at the administrative, organizational or financial levels.
