The Head of Governmentsigns a circular launching the "Awrach" program aimed at creating 250.000 direct jobs in temporary workshops during the years 2022 and 2023

  • Creating jobs in temporary workshops for people who have lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic and find it difficult to integrate into the labor market
  • Mobilizing financial resources worth2.25 billion Dirhams for the year 2022 to implement the program 

The Head of Government's circular on the launch of the "Awrach" program, which aims to create 250,000 direct jobs in temporary workshops during the years 2022 and 2023, was signed on Wednesday, January 12, 2021, in Rabat. The circular was addressed to the Ministers, Ministers Delegates, High Delegates, and the Delegate General in order to work to activate its contents.
This program, called "Awrach", consists of two parts, the largest part of which concerns temporary public workshops, which will be gradually activated during 2022 with the end of the year set to achieve the set goals, and the second part is related to workshops to support sustainable integration at the national level. 
Throughout the duration of its implementation during the years 2022 and 2023, approximately 250,000 people will benefit from the program under "workshop" contracts concluded by civil society associations, cooperatives, and companies, through nominations and work contracts, especially people who lost their jobs due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and people who find it difficult to access job opportunities, without the requirement of qualifications. The government has allocated a financial envelope for the implementation of the program estimated at 2.25 billion dirhams for the year 2022.
The "Awrach" program falls within the framework of the implementation of the government program 2021-2026, and it is important to support people who have lost their jobs and find it difficult to access job opportunities, through a partnership that includes ministerial sectors, and public institutions, local authorities, and territorial communities, as well as civil society associations and local cooperatives, in addition to private sector companies.
The Awrachprogram consists of two parts: the first is temporary public workshops for an average of about 6 months, and the second is related to workshops to support sustainable inclusion.
The temporary public workshops, which are directed to about 80% of the total number of beneficiaries of the program, aim to respond to the needs of citizens in terms of infrastructure, and also envisage the implementation of works and activities of a temporary nature that fall within the framework of public benefit and sustainable development, such as the completion of road paths, the restoration of monuments and public facilities, afforestation, the preparation of green spaces, the fight against desertification, the encroachment of sand, the digitization of archives, cultural and sports revitalization, and occasional educational supervision.
As for the workshops to support sustainable inclusion, they are aimed at about 20% of the beneficiaries of the program, and aim to achieve a number of goals, including responding to services directed to individuals, families and the community that are specific in some areas, such as literacy, primary education, care for the elderly, sports and cultural activities, school vaccination, paramedical services... ؛
The Awrach program will enable beneficiaries of temporary public workshops to: 
Benefit from a monthly income of at least the minimum wage during the duration of the workshops.
Benefit from social coverage, including family allowances, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force.
Supervising within the workshops with the aim of developing skills and competencies.
Obtain a document from the operator at the end of the workshops to enhance the chances of subsequent integration into similar economic activities.
Expenses relating to wages, employer's share and occupational accident insurance for social coverage will be borne by the State. 
The program will also enable beneficiaries of workshops to support sustainable inclusion to:
Incorporation for a minimum period of 24 months with an income of at least the minimum wage.
Benefit from social coverage, including family allowances, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force.
Gain professional experience.
The state will grant operators an employment incentive grant of 1,500 Dirhams per month for 18 months for each beneficiary.
With regard to the governance bodies of the Awrachprogram, a governance system has been established to lead and support the implementation of the programme, based on the establishment of a strategic committee, a leadership committee at the national level, a regional committee, and regional committees at the territorial level.
The Strategic Committee will be responsible under the supervision of the Head of Government to determine the strategic directions of the program, while the Program Steering Committee emanating from the Strategic Committee chaired by the Minister of Economic Inclusion, Small Enterprise, Employment and Competencies will activate the strategic directions of the program. It oversees the proper implementation of the programme at the regional level.

