Social dialogue in the education sector leads to agreement between the government and the most representative educational trade union centrals

  • The culmination of a three-month dialogue between the Government and the trade union centers for education, in an atmosphere of trust, responsibility and positive initiative. 
  • Embodying the involvement of trade union centrals as key actors in strategic workshops to enhance the attractiveness of the Moroccan public school.
  • The government and trade union centrals agree on a set of mutual commitments, including the creation of a stimulating and unified statute that includes all categories of the educational system within the year 2022

On Tuesday, January 18, 2022, the Head of Government oversaw the signing ceremony of an agreement between the Ministry of National Education, Preschool, and Sports   - National Education Sector - and the five most representative educational unions, within the framework of the sectoral social dialogue.
The signing of this important agreement is the culmination of a series of sectoral dialogue sessions, which have received special attention from the Government, in the context of its implementation of its commitments with a social dimension and in line with its desire to make social dialogue an essential mechanism for improving the social and professional conditions of employees, as well as for consolidating the representative role of social partners and strengthening participatory democracy.
The phases of the sectoral dialogue were characterized by responsible and constructive discussion, and the positive involvement of all parties, government sectors and social parties, according to a methodology based on listening, responsibility, mutual trust, and regularity in dialogue sessions. 
This agreement embodies the  common will of the various parties, and their full involvement in the methodology for the success of the educational reform workshops, which aims to raise the quality of public schools and enhance its attractiveness, and places at the forefront of its priorities the appreciation of the roles of the teaching staff, which deserve all appreciation and gratitude, in recognition of the nobility of its mission, and pride in its sacrifices and continuous efforts for the benefit of the Moroccan school. 
 This agreement provides for a number of procedures related to a set of files on the dialogue table, which concern:


The review of the current statute of the staff of the Ministry of National Education and create a motivating and unified statute that includes all categories of the educational system.
The settlement of a set of priority demand files, namely:
The educational administration personnel.
The file of the guidance and planning counsellors.
The file of teachers of primary and preparatory education assigned outside their original corps.
The file of teaching staff with higher degrees.
Doctorate teaching staff.
Programming the examination of other demand files submitted by the five most representative unions.
Continuing the dialogue on the file of the statutory cadres of the regional academies of education and training.
This agreement will contribute to the consolidation and institutionalization of responsible and constructive sectoral dialogue between the signatories, to the establishment of social peace in the educational system, in addition to its dedication to the pivotal role of educational unions as a key partner in the educational reform process. 
On this occasion, the Government expressed its hope that this agreement would open a new horizon in the process of comprehensive mobilization of women and men of education in the workshops for the advancement of public schools, in order to respond to the expectations of citizens for the establishment of a quality public school that guarantees social advancement, achieves equity and equal opportunities, and allows the training and rehabilitation of learners and learners so that they can contribute effectively to the development and prosperity of their country. 
This meeting was attended from the government side by the Head of Government, the Minister of National Education, Primary Education and Sports, and on behalf of the social parties, the secretaries general of the five most representative educational unions.
