The Head of Governmentholds a meeting via video conference with representatives of the International Monetary Fund, in the presence of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, represented by the General Treasury Directorate of the Kingdom


Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch held a videoconference meeting on Thursday 9 December with representatives of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), in the presence of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, represented by the General Treasury Directorate of the Kingdom.
Representatives of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) presented their conclusions regarding the study of the evolution of the economic situation in the Kingdom and the economic policies applied within the framework of the government's program.
During the meeting, the Head of Government recalled that Morocco has just witnessed an important democratic moment marked by wide participation in the recent legislative, local, and regional elections, during which citizens democratically expressed their aspirations and a great desire for change.
"Under the leadership of His Majesty the King, may God protect him, the government, as the executive authority, is working to implement an ambitious vision that responds to the aspirations of Moroccans," the head of government said. Over the next five years, key priorities have been identified around health system reform, social protection, education, employment, and administration.
Stimulating private investment, encouraging entrepreneurship, and restructuring public institutions – all projects opened by the government to accelerate economic recovery in the wake of the global health crisis – are undoubtedly commitments that will have positive effects on economic growth and balances, and public debt control, the IMF executive director said.

