Council of Government of Thursday, February 23, 2023


On Thursday, 2 Chaabane 1444, corresponding to February 23, 2023, the government held a Council of Government, chaired by Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, Head of Government, devoted to deliberation and approval of a number of draft legal texts and proposals for appointment to senior positions in accordance with Article 92 of the Constitution.
At the beginning of this meeting, the Council of Government deliberated on draft law No. 02-23 on civil procedure, submitted by Mr. Abdellatif Wahbi, Minister of Justice, with a view to deepening the debate on it and approving it at a subsequent meeting.

Press release (Arabic version) in the annexes

  • Subsequently, the Council of Government deliberated and approved the draft decree-law n°2.23.102 relating to the dissolution and liquidation of the MCA-Morocco Agency, presented by Mr. Fouzi Lekjaa, Minister Delegate to the Minister of Economy and Finance in charge of the budget.

The Council of Government  concluded its work by deliberating and approving proposals for appointment to senior positions in accordance with article 92 of the Constitution.

  • At the level of the Ministry of Equipment and Water, the following have been appointed: 
    • Mr. M’hamed Benhamich, Director of the Road Finance Fund.
    • Mr. Abdellatif Mounir, Inspector General.
  • At the level of the Ministry of National Education, Preschool, and Sports – Sports Department:
    • Mr. Abderrazak El Akkari, Director of Sports.
  • At the level of higher education, scientific research and innovation, the appointment of:
    • Mr. Abdellatif Makram, Rector of Hassan I University in Settat.
    • Mr. Mohamed Larabi Kerkeb, President of Ibn Tofail University in Kenitra.
