Government Meeting for Thursday, September 7, 2023


The government convened on Thursday, 21 Safar 1445, corresponding to September 7, 2023, a government council meeting chaired by Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, the Head of government. The meeting was dedicated to presenting sectoral presentations, discussing various legislative texts, reviewing international agreements, and deliberating on proposals for senior appointments as per Article 92 of the Constitution.
To begin with, the government council reviewed a presentation regarding the data and updates for the 2023-2024 school year, presented by Mr. Shakib Benmoussa, the Minister of National Education, Primary Education, and Sports.
The presentation covered various aspects related to the data and updates for the 2023/2024 school year, which began on Monday, September 4, in educational institutions across the kingdom under the slogan: 'Transforming Public Education for Open and Successful Students.'
The Minister highlighted that the current school year saw the enrollment of approximately 8 million students in educational institutions, in addition to over one million children in early education classes. The total number of educational institutions reached 12,198, including 237 new institutions, with the creation of 5,410 new classrooms. The number of early education classrooms increased by 13%, with the establishment of 4,700 new classrooms, including 1,400 initiated by the National Human Development Initiative.
The presentation emphasized that the current school year is part of the continued implementation of royal directives aimed at reforming the Moroccan school system, Law No. 51.17 on the education, training, and scientific research system, the priorities of the government's education and training program, and the 2022-2026 roadmap. This academic season is considered pivotal in the process of comprehensive transformation in the performance of public schools by creating a new dynamic within the classrooms.
The current educational reform initiatives include the establishment of the 'Leadership Institutions' project, which aims to bring about a comprehensive transformation in the performance of educational institutions. This is achieved through the voluntary commitment of the educational team and empowering relevant institutions with pedagogical, material, and digital resources to ensure the success of students and the adoption of new pedagogical methods.
Through the implementation of the 2022-2026 roadmap, the ministry aims to enable students to acquire essential learning and enhance their openness. It also seeks to restore the prestige of the teaching profession, encourage the involvement of teaching staff, and make institutions more attractive, in addition to mobilizing various partners.

The press release (Arabic version) is attached.

  • Following that, the government council discussed and approved Draft Decree No. 2.23.303, which defines the physical fitness and medical monitoring requirements for fishermen, presented by Mr. Mohamed Sadiqi, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development, Water, and Forests.
  • Subsequently, Mr. Riad Mazzour, Minister of Industry and Trade, presented a report on Draft Decree No. 2.22.92, outlining the procedures and methods for establishing companies electronically and supervising them. In light of this report, it was decided to hold an extensive meeting under the chairmanship of the head of government Minister with various relevant stakeholders.
  • The government council then proceeded to discuss and approve Draft Decree No. 2.22.769, amending and supplementing Decree No. 2.03.317 issued on 18 Sha'ban 1424 (October 15, 2003) concerning the awarding of honorary doctorates by universities, presented by Mr. Abdelatif Mirawi, Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research, and Innovation.

The government council continued its proceedings by examining the Judicial Cooperation Agreement in Civil, Commercial, and Administrative Matters between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Sierra Leone, signed in Dakhla on April 28, 2023. Additionally, they reviewed Draft Law No. 29.23, which approves the aforementioned agreement. These documents were presented by Mr. Abdelatif Wahbi, Minister of Justice, on behalf of Mr. Nasser Bourita, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccans Residing Abroad.
The objective of this agreement is to establish a system for recognition and enforcement of judicial decisions, thereby enhancing mutual trust between the judicial institutions of both countries. Under this agreement, nationals of each country present in the territory of the other country have the right to access administrative and judicial courts freely and easily to pursue and defend their rights. The agreement also specifies the mechanisms for utilizing judicial assistance for the nationals of the contracting parties before the courts of the other party.

The government council concluded its proceedings with discussions and approval of proposals for senior appointments in accordance with Article 92 of the Constitution.

  • At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccans Residing Abroad, the following appointments were made:
    • Mrs. Souria Jabri as Director of Economic Development and Cooperation.
    • Mr. Omar Amghar as Director of the European Union and Mediterranean Affairs.
  • At the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, the following appointments were made:
    • Mr. Abdelrahman El Maâroufi as Director of the Serum and Vaccines Center (Pasteur Institute Morocco).
    • Mr. Aziz Marabti as Director of Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacy.
  • At the Ministry of Economy and Finance - General Directorate of Taxes, the following appointment was made:
    • Mrs. Fatima Zahra Akasbi as Director of Network Activation.
  • At the Ministry of National Territorial Development, Urban Planning, Housing, and City Policy - Housing and City Policy Sector, the following appointment was made:
    • Mr. Hicham Airod as Director of Housing.
  • At the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development, Water, and Forests, the following appointment was made:
    • Mr. Mohamed Al Yaacoubi as Director of the Regional Office for Agricultural Investment in Milwiya.
  • At the Ministry of Transport and Logistics, the following appointment was made:
    • Mrs. Lalla Bahija Bousta as Director of Road Transport.

