Meeting of the Government Council on Thursday, May 2, 2024


The government council met on Thursday, 23 Chaoual 1445, corresponding to May 2, 2024, under the chairmanship of Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, devoted to the examination of several projects of legal texts and the discussion of proposals for appointments to senior positions, in accordance with Article 92 of the Constitution.

  • At the beginning of the proceedings, the Government Council examined and adopted draft law No. 22.24 amending and supplementing law No. 47-18 on the reform of regional investment centers (CRI) and the creation of unified regional investment commissions, presented by the Minister Delegate in charge of Investment, Convergence, and Evaluation of Public Policies, Mohcine Jazouli.
  • Regarding draft decree No. 2.22.80 on the principles and rules for the organization of state administrations and defining their attributions, presented by the Minister Delegate for Digital Transition and Administration Reform, Ghita Mezzour, it was approved with a deepening of certain provisions.
  • Concerning draft decree No. 2.22.83 laying down the conditions and modalities for the appointment of division heads and department heads within state administrations, it was presented and examined in its broad outlines for submission to approval at a subsequent government council.

The Council concluded its work by approving proposals for appointments to senior positions, in accordance with the provisions of Article 92 of the Constitution. The following appointments were made:

  • At the Ministry of Solidarity, Social Integration, and Family:
    • Adil Ghammarte was appointed Secretary General;
  • At the Ministry of National Education, Preschool, and Sports:
    • Fadel Douhid was appointed Director of the regional center for education and training professions of Casablanca-Settat;
  • At the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research, and Innovation:
    • Mohammed Moubtassim was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Dhar El Mahraz in Fes;
    • Mohamed Nabil Srifi was appointed Director of the National School of Applied Sciences in Kenitra.
