Press Releases

رئيس الحكومة يترأس الدورة السادسة للجنة الوطنية للاستثمارات، المحدثة بموجب ميثاق الاستثمار الجديد

The Head of Government Chairs the 6th National Investment Commission Established by the New Investment Charter

56 investment projects approved, totaling 134 billion dirhams, including 45 billion dirhams of private investment, creating nearly 28,000 jobs: Approval of 52 projects under the main…

السيد رئيس الحكومة يترأس اجتماعا حول التشغيل

The Head of Government Chairs a Meeting on the Employment Sector

The Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, chaired a meeting on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, in Rabat to discuss measures for promoting employment. The meeting was attended by all relevant…

السيد رئيس الحكومة يجري مباحثات مع رئيس مجموعة البنك الإفريقي للتنمية

The Head of Government Meets with the President of the African Development Bank Group

The Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, held talks on Thursday, December 5, 2024, in Rabat, with Mr. Akinwumi Ayodeji Adesina, President of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group.…

السيد رئيس الحكومة يتباحث مع رئيسة البنك الأوروبي لإعادة الإعمار والتنمية

The Head of Government Meets with the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

The Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, held discussions on Thursday, December 5, 2024, in Rabat with Ms. Odile Renaud-Basso, President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and…

His Majesty the King Chairs Council of Ministers

His Majesty the King Chairs Council of Ministers

Rabat - His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, chaired, on Wednesday at the Royal Palace in Rabat, a Council of Ministers, according to a statement from the Spokesperson of the…

السيد رئيس الحكومة يترأس الاجتماع الـ 13 للجنة البين وزارية المكلفة ببرنامج إعادة البناء والتأهيل العام للمناطق المتضررة من زلزال الحوز

The Head of Government Chairs the 13th Meeting of the Interministerial Commission on the Deployment of the Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Program for Areas Affected by the Al Haouz Earthquake

The Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, presided over the 13th meeting of the Interministerial Commission in charge of…

السيد رئيس الحكومة يترأس الاجتماع الأول لمجلس التوجيه الاستراتيجي لوكالة تنمية الأطلس الكبير

The Head of Government Chairs the First Strategic Orientation Council Meeting of the High Atlas Development Agency

The Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, chaired the first Strategic Orientation Council meeting of the High Atlas Development Agency on Monday, December 2, 2024, in Rabat. This agency…

السيد رئيس الحكومة يعقد مباحثات مع الوزير الأول بجمهورية ساو تومي وبرينسيب الديمقراطية

The Head of Government meets with the Prime Minister of São Tomé and Príncipe

The Head of Government, Aziz Akhannouch, held talks on Thursday, November 28, in Casablanca with the Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe, Patrice Emery…

السيد رئيس الحكومة يجري مباحثات مع الوزير الأول بجمهورية غينيا

The Head of Government Meets with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Guinea

The Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, received Mr. Bah Oury, Prime Minister of the Republic of Guinea, on Thursday, November 28, 2024, in Rabat. The meeting was attended by Mr.…

السيد رئيس الحكومة يترأس اجتماع اللجنة الوزارية لقيادة إصلاح منظومة التربية الوطنية والتعليم الأولي

The Head of Government Chairs a Meeting of the Ministerial Commission Steering the Reform of the National Education and Preschool System

The Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, chaired a meeting on Wednesday, November 27, 2024, in Rabat of the Ministerial…
