Administrative Boards

The Head of government presides over the fourth meeting of the Interministerial Commission responsible for the deployment of an emergency program for the rehabilitation and reconstruction assistance of housing destroyed by the earthquake
The head of government Minister chaired the 3rd meeting of the Interministerial Commission responsible for the deployment of an emergency program for the rehabilitation and assistance in the reconstruction of homes destroyed by the earthquake.
The Head of Government presides over the meeting of the Interministerial Commission responsible for the deployment of an emergency program for the rehabilitation and assistance in the reconstruction of homes destroyed by the earthquake.
Head of Government chairs second session of National Investment Committee

Head of Government chairs second session of National Investment Committee

Ratification of 19 agreements and annexes for investment projects worth up to MAD 31.5 billion, which will create 21,022 direct and indirect jobs. 15 agreements and annexes under the basic…

Head of Government chairs the fourteenth meeting of the Ministerial Committee for Administrative Decentralization

Head of Government chairs the fourteenth meeting of the Ministerial Committee for Administrative Decentralization

Presentation of the preliminary outcome of the implementation of the National Charter for Administrative Decentralization. Approval of the final version of joint and sectoral…

Head of Government chairs the tenth meeting of the Ministerial Committee for Moroccan Expatriates' Affairs and Immigration Affairs

Head of Government chairs the tenth meeting of the Ministerial Committee for Moroccan Expatriates' Affairs and Immigration Affairs

The Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, chaired, on Thursday, June 2023 in Rabat, the tenth meeting of the Ministerial…

The National Investment Committee established under the new Investment Charter holds its first session

The National Investment Committee established under the new Investment Charter holds its first session

Ratification of 21 agreements and annexes for investment projects worth more than MAD 76 billion, which will create 5,728 direct jobs and 14,707 indirect jobs. Strategizing 6 additional…

رئيس الحكومة يترأس اجتماع اللجنة الاستراتيجية للحماية الاجتماعية

The Head of Government chairs meeting of Strategic Committee for Social Protection

The Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch chaired, Monday, April 10, 2023, in Rabat, a meeting of the Strategic Committee on Social Protection, devoted to examining the results of the…

رئيس الحكومة يترأس الاجتماع الأول للجنة الوطنية للمساواة بين الجنسين وتمكين المرأة

The Head of Government chairs the first meeting of the National Committee for Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment

Adoption of the strategic framework of the Government Plan for Equality 2023-2026, which includes the Women's Economic…

السيد رئيس الحكومة يترأس الاجتماع الثالث للجنة الوطنية لتبسيط المساطر والإجراءات الإدارية

The Head of Government chairs the third meeting of the National Committee for the Simplification of Administrative and Procedural Procedures

Simplification and digitization of 22 administrative decisions. Reduce the documentation required for investors by 45%. The…
