Head of Government activities

السيد أخنوش يدعو المركزيات النقابية والاتحاد العام لمقاولات المغرب إلى عقد أول جلسة للحوار الاجتماعي يوم الخميس المقبل

Mr. Akhannouch invites the trade union centrals and the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM) to hold the first session of social dialogue next Thursday

The Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch called, Monday in Rabat, the trade union centrals, and the General Confederation…

السيد أخنوش: الصعوبات التي تعيشها المقاولات والطبقة الشغيلة تتطلب منظورا شموليا يضخ الحوار الاجتماعي بنفس جديد

Mr. Akhannouch: The difficulties experienced by enterprises and the working class require a holistic perspective that injects social dialogue with a new breath

The Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch said Monday in Rabat that the difficulties experienced by national enterprises…

بلاغ صحفي: الحكومة تطلق برنامجا للتخفيف من آثار نقص التساقطات المطرية تنفيذا للتعليمات الملكية السامية

Press release: The government launches a program to mitigate the effects of the lack of rainfall in implementation of the High Royal Instructions

By Royal Decree, the Hassan II Fund for Economic and Social Development will contribute three Billion dirhams to this program…

السيد عزيز أخنوش يشرف على إطلاق الدفعة الثانية لبرنامج "أوراش"

Mr. Aziz Akhannouch oversees the launch of the second batch of the "Awrach" program

Today, Tuesday, the Strategic Committee of the "Awrach" program began launching the second batch of targeted regions and prefectures, which concern 28 regions and employment. Following the…

بريست.. افتتاح الشق رفيع المستوى من قمة "محيط واحد" بمشاركة المغرب

Brest.. Opening of the high-level segment of the "One Ocean" summit with the participation of Morocco

The high-level segment of the first international ocean summit "the One Ocean Summit", aimed at mobilizing the international community for ocean conservation, was inaugurated Friday morning…

السيد أخنوش: المغرب سيعمل على تقوية الشراكة الاستراتيجية مع الاتحاد الأوروبي

Mr. Akhannouch: Morocco will work to strengthen the strategic partnership with the European Union

Morocco will work to strengthen the strategic partnership with the European Union, Head of Government Aziz Akhannouch said Wednesday in Rabat. "We will work seriously to strengthen these…

 رئيس الحكومة يعقد اجتماعا مع المركزيات النقابية لمناقشة الحالة الوبائية التي تعرفها المملكة

The Head of Government holds meeting with trade union centrals to discuss the epidemiological situation in the Kingdom

The Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, held a meeting on Wednesday 09 February 2022 with the trade union centrals, which was attended by the Minister of the Interior, Mr. Abdelouafi…

كوفيد-19.. اجتماع بالرباط مع ممثلي الجماعات الترابية حول استكمال مسار التلقيح

COVID-19.. Meeting in Rabat with representatives of local authorities on the completion of the vaccination process

Today, Friday, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Interior, a meeting was held with representatives of territorial communities, dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of…

رئيس الحكومة مرفوقا بوزيرة الاقتصاد والمالية ووزير الصحة والحماية الاجتماعية ووزير الإدماج الاقتصادي والمقاولة الصغرى والشغل والكفاءات يعقد اجتماعا مع السيد شكيب العلج، رئيس الاتحاد العام لمقاولات المغرب وأعضاء الاتحاد

The Head of Government, accompanied by three ministers, holds a meeting with Mr. Chakib El Alj, President of the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM) and members of the Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM)

The Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, held a meeting on Wednesday 02 February 2022, accompanied by Mrs. Nadia Fettah,…

الحوار الاجتماعي في قطاع التعليم يفضي إلى اتفاق بين الحكومة والمركزيات النقابية التعليمية الأكثر تمثيلية

Social dialogue in the education sector leads to agreement between the government and the most representative educational trade union centrals

The culmination of a three-month dialogue between the Government and the trade union centers for education, in an atmosphere…
