Council of Government of Wednesday, December 21, 2022


On Wednesday, 26 Joumada I 1444, on 21 December 2022, the Government held a Council of Government , chaired by Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, Head of Government, devoted to the deliberation and approval of a number of draft legal texts, as well as the revision of an international agreement, and proposals for appointment to high-level positions in accordance with Article 92 of the Constitution.

Press release (Arabic version) in annexes

At the beginning of this meeting, the Council of Government approved the draft laws that had been previously debated in the Council of Government held in December 2022, namely:

  • Draft law No. 22-07 establishing the High Authority for Health;
  • Draft law No. 22-08 establishing territorial health centres;
  • Draft law No. 22-09 on fundamental guarantees for human resources in the health function;
  • Draft law No. 10.22 establishing the Moroccan Agency for Medicines and Health Products;
  • Draft law No. 11.22 establishing the Moroccan Agency for Blood and Blood Products.

Subsequently, the Council of Government deliberated and approved three draft decrees, presented by Mr. Mohamed Hajoui, Secretary General of the Government, on behalf of Mrs. Nadia Fettah, Minister of Economy and Finance.

  • Draft Decree No. 2.22.796 on the composition of the Advisory Commission on State Contribution Policy and the modalities of its operation
  • Draft Decree No. 2-22-581 laying down the conditions and procedures for the appointment of State representatives to the deliberative bodies of public enterprises and institutions (new version).
  • Draft decree No. 2-22-582 setting the conditions and procedures for the appointment of independent members of the deliberative bodies of public institutions as well as the amounts and modalities of payment of the compensation granted to them (new version).

The Council of Government continued its work by examining an agreement in the field of air transport services between the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco and the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabie , signed in Montreal (Canada) on September 28, 2022, and Draft law No. 55.22 approving the said agreement, presented by Mr. Nasser Bourita,  Minister of Foreign Affairs, African cooperation and Moroccans Expatriates.

The Council of Government concluded its work by deliberating and approving proposals for appointments to positions of responsibility in accordance with article 92 of the Constitution.

  • At the level of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the following persons have been appointed:
    • Mr. Taha Ghazi, Director of Textile and Leather Industries;
    • Ms. Ahlam Lagziri, Director of Legal Affairs and Litigation;
    • Mr. Rachid El Bouazaoui, Director of Training in Industry, Commerce, Digital Economy and Entrepreneurial Initiative;
    • Mr. Youssef Fadil, Director of Food Industries;
  • At the level of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development, Water and Forests - Fisheries Department, the appointment of: 
    • Mr. Mohamed Hmamou, Director of the Higher Institute of Marine Fisheries in Agadir.

